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    1/*  $Id$
    3    Part of SWI-Prolog
    5    Author:        Jan Wielemaker
    6    E-mail:
    7    WWW: 
    8    Copyright (C): 2004-2010, University of Amsterdam
    9			      Vu University Amsterdam
   11    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   12    modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
   13    as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
   14    of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
   16    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   17    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   19    GNU General Public License for more details.
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   22    License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
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   30    the GNU General Public License.
   33:- module(sparql_xml_result,
   34	  [ sparql_write_xml_result/3	% +Stream, +Result
   35	  ]).   36:- use_module(library(sgml)).   37:- use_module(library(assoc)).   38:- use_module(library(option)).   39:- use_module(library('semweb/rdf_db'), [rdf_is_bnode/1, rdf_equal/2]).   40
   41ns(sparql, '').
   43/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
   44Read/write   the   SPARQL   XML   result     format    as   defined   in
   45, version 6 April 2006.
   46- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
   48		 /*******************************
   49		 *	      WRITING		*
   50		 *******************************/
 sparql_write_xml_result(+Out, +Term, +Options)
Write SPARQL XML result data.
   56sparql_write_xml_result(Out, ask(TrueFalse), _Options) :- !,
   57	write_header(Out),
   58	format(Out, '  <head/>~n', []),
   59	format(Out, '  <boolean>~w</boolean>~n', [TrueFalse]),
   60	format(Out, '</sparql>~n', []).
   61sparql_write_xml_result(Out, update(TrueFalse), Options) :- !,
   62	sparql_write_xml_result(Out, ask(TrueFalse), Options).
   63sparql_write_xml_result(Out, select(VarTerm, Rows), Options) :-
   64	VarTerm =.. [_|VarNames],
   65	option(ordered(Ordered), Options, false),
   66	option(distinct(Distinct), Options, false),
   67	write_header(Out),
   68	format(Out, '  <head>~n', []),
   69	write_varnames(VarNames, Out),
   70	format(Out, '  </head>~n', []),
   71	format(Out, '  <results ordered="~w" distinct="~w">~n',
   72	       [Ordered, Distinct]),
   73	write_rows(Rows, VarNames, Out),
   74	format(Out, '  </results>~n', []),
   75	format(Out, '</sparql>~n', []).
   77write_header(Out) :-
   78	xml_encoding(Out, Encoding),
   79	format(Out, '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="~w"?>~n', [Encoding]),
   80	ns(sparql, Prefix),
   81	format(Out, '<sparql xmlns="~w">~n', [Prefix]).
   83xml_encoding(Out, Encoding) :-
   84	stream_property(Out, encoding(Enc)),
   85	(   xml_encoding_name(Enc, Encoding)
   86	->  true
   87	;   throw(error(domain_error(rdf_encoding, Enc), _))
   88	).
   90xml_encoding_name(ascii,       'US-ASCII').
   91xml_encoding_name(iso_latin_1, 'ISO-8859-1').
   92xml_encoding_name(utf8,        'UTF-8').
   94write_varnames([], _).
   95write_varnames([H|T], Out) :-
   96	stream_property(Out, encoding(Encoding)),
   97	xml_quote_attribute(H, Q, Encoding),
   98	format(Out, '    <variable name="~w"/>~n', [Q]),
   99	write_varnames(T, Out).
  101write_rows(Rows, VarNames, Out) :-
  102	empty_assoc(BNodes),
  103	write_rows(Rows, VarNames, Out, state(0, BNodes), _).
  105write_rows([], _, _, State, State).
  106write_rows([H|T], VarNames, Out, State0, State) :-
  107	write_row(H, VarNames, Out, State0, State1),
  108	write_rows(T, VarNames, Out, State1, State).
  110write_row(Row, VarNames, Out, State0, State) :-
  111	format(Out, '    <result>~n', []),
  112	write_bindings(VarNames, 1, Row, Out, State0, State),
  113	format(Out, '    </result>~n', []).
  115write_bindings([], _, _, _, State, State).
  116write_bindings([Name|T], I, Row, Out, State0, State) :-
  117	arg(I, Row, Value),
  118	write_binding(Value, Name, Out, State0, State1),
  119	I2 is I + 1,
  120	write_bindings(T, I2, Row, Out, State1, State).
  122write_binding(Var, _, _, S, S) :- var(Var), !.
  123write_binding('$null$', _, _, S, S) :- !.
  124write_binding(Value, Name, Out, State0, State) :-
  125	stream_property(Out, encoding(Encoding)),
  126	xml_quote_attribute(Name, Q, Encoding),
  127	format(Out, '      <binding name="~w">~n', [Q]),
  128	write_binding_value(Value, Out, State0, State),
  129	format(Out, '      </binding>~n', []).
  131write_binding_value(literal(Lit), Out, State, State) :- !,
  132	write_binding_literal(Lit, Out).
  133write_binding_value(URI, Out, State0, State) :-
  134	rdf_is_bnode(URI), !,
  135	bnode_id(URI, Id, State0, State),
  136	format(Out, '        <bnode>~w</bnode>~n', [Id]).
  137write_binding_value(URI, Out, State, State) :-
  138	stream_property(Out, encoding(Encoding)),
  139	xml_quote_cdata(URI, Q, Encoding),
  140	format(Out, '        <uri>~w</uri>~n', [Q]).
 write_binding_literal(+Literal, +Out) is det
Write Literal to Out. The first clause deals with XMLLiteral fields. The SPARQL documentation is rather vaque about how this should be handled. It might well be that we should write the xml into an atom and xml-escape that.
  149write_binding_literal(type(Type, DOM), Out) :-
  150	rdf_equal(Type, rdf:'XMLLiteral'),
  151	xml_is_dom(DOM), !,
  152	with_output_to(string(S),
  153		       xml_write(current_output, DOM,
  154				 [ header(false),
  155				   layout(false)
  156				 ])),
  157	stream_property(Out, encoding(Encoding)),
  158	xml_quote_cdata(S, QV, Encoding),
  159	format(Out, '        <literal datatype="~w">~w</literal>~n', [Type, QV]).
  160write_binding_literal(type(Type, Value), Out) :- !,
  161	stream_property(Out, encoding(Encoding)),
  162	xml_quote_attribute(Type, QT, Encoding),
  163	(   atom(Value)
  164	->  xml_quote_cdata(Value, QV, Encoding)
  165	;   QV = Value			% ok for numbers, etc.
  166	),
  167	format(Out, '        <literal datatype="~w">~w</literal>~n', [QT, QV]).
  168write_binding_literal(lang(L, Value), Out) :- !,
  169	stream_property(Out, encoding(Encoding)),
  170	xml_quote_cdata(Value, QV, Encoding),
  171	format(Out, '        <literal xml:lang="~w">~w</literal>~n', [L, QV]).
  172write_binding_literal(Value, Out) :- !,
  173	stream_property(Out, encoding(Encoding)),
  174	xml_quote_cdata(Value, QV, Encoding),
  175	format(Out, '        <literal>~w</literal>~n', [QV]).
  177bnode_id(URI, Id, State0, State) :-
  178	State0 = state(N, Assoc),
  179	(   get_assoc(URI, Assoc, Id)
  180	->  State = State0
  181	;   N2 is N + 1,
  182	    Id = N2,			% number 1, ...
  183	    put_assoc(URI, Assoc, Id, Assoc2),
  184	    State = state(N2, Assoc2)
  185	)