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    1:- module(conf_logging, []).    2:- use_module(library(settings)).

Configure logging of HTTP traffic

Configure logging of HTTP traffic.

To be done
- Include programs to convert and process log-files. */
   11		 /*******************************
   12		 *	      LOGGING		*
   13		 *******************************/
   15% Log  HTTP  traffic  to  httpd.log.    Logging   may  seriously  affect
   16% performance on servers that handle many tiny requests.
   18:- use_module(library(http/http_log)).   19
   20% Set the default name of the logfile. Setting it to '' disables logging
   21% Creating the logfile in a directory is preferred if the service is not
   22% running under the same user as the owner of the sources.
   24:- set_setting_default(http:logfile, 'log/httpd.log').