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    1/*  Part of ClioPatria SeRQL and SPARQL server
    3    Author:        Jan Wielemaker
    4    E-mail:
    5    WWW: 
    6    Copyright (C): 2010, University of Amsterdam,
    7		   VU University Amsterdam
    9    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   10    modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
   11    as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
   12    of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
   14    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   15    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   17    GNU General Public License for more details.
   19    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
   20    License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
   21    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
   23    As a special exception, if you link this library with other files,
   24    compiled with a Free Software compiler, to produce an executable, this
   25    library does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered
   26    by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not however
   27    invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by
   28    the GNU General Public License.
   31:- module(cp_menu,
   32	  [ cp_menu//0
   33	  ]).   34:- use_module(library(http/html_write)).   35:- use_module(library(http/html_head)).   36:- use_module(library(http/http_dispatch)).   37:- use_module(library(pairs)).   38:- use_module(library(apply)).   39:- use_module(library(uri)).   40:- use_module(library(ctypes)).   41:- use_module(user(user_db)).   42:- use_module(cliopatria(hooks)).

ClioPatria menu-bar

This module provides the ClioPatria application menu-bar. The application menu is attached by cliopatria(skin) to all HTML pages that match the style cliopatria(_) (see reply_html_page/3).

See also
The menu is built using CSS from */
HTML Components that emits the ClioPatria menu. The menu is a standard nested HTML ul list, turned into a horizontal menu using CSS. The menu can be extended and controlled using three hooks in the module cliopatria:
   65cp_menu -->
   66	{ findall(Key-Item, current_menu_item(Key, Item), Pairs0),
   67	  sort(Pairs0, Pairs),
   68	  group_pairs_by_key(Pairs, ByKey),
   69	  sort_menu_popups(ByKey, Menu)
   70	},
   71	html_requires(css('menu.css')),
   72	html(ul(id(nav),
   73		\menu(Menu))).
   75menu([]) --> !.
   76menu([_-[Item]|T]) --> !,
   77	menu_item(Item),
   78	menu(T).
   79menu([Key-Items|T]) -->
   80	{ menu_label(Key, Key, Label) },
   81	html(li([ a([Label]),
   82		  ul(\menu_items(Items))
   83		])),
   84	menu(T).
   86menu_items([]) --> [].
   87menu_items([H|T]) --> menu_item(H), menu_items(T).
   89menu_item(item(_Rank, Spec, Label, Options)) -->
   90	{ atom(Spec) }, !,
   91	{ (   \+ sub_atom(Spec, 0, _, _, 'http://'),
   92	      catch(http_location_by_id(Spec, Location), E,
   93		    (   print_message(informational, E),
   94			fail))
   95	  ->  true
   96	  ;   Location = Spec
   97	  )
   98	},
   99	html(li(a([href(Location)|Options], Label))).
 current_menu_item(-PopupKey, -Item) is nondet
Enumerate the menu-items.
PopupKey- is the id of a popup. The label thereof is computed by menu_label/3 and the ordering by menu_popup_order/2.
Item- is a term item(Rank, Location, Label).
  110current_menu_item(Key, item(Rank, Location, Label, Options)) :-
  111	menu_item(Spec, DefLabel),
  112	rank(Spec, Rank, Where, Options),
  113	(   Where = Key/Location
  114	->  menu_label(Location, DefLabel, Label)
  115	;   Where = Location,
  116	    Key = Location,
  117	    menu_label(Location, DefLabel, Label)
  118	).
  120rank(Rank=Spec, Rank, Where, Options) :- !,
  121	item_options(Spec, Where, Options).
  122rank(Spec,      0,    Where, Options) :-
  123	item_options(Spec, Where, Options).
  125item_options(Spec+Option, Where, [Option|T]) :- !,
  126	item_options(Spec, Where, T).
  127item_options(Where, Where, []).
 menu_item(Item, ?Label) is nondet
Define a menu-item for the ClioPatria application menu. This predicate is hooked by cliopatria:menu_item/2.
Item- is of the form Rank=Popup/Handler, where Handler is the identifier of the HTTP handler (see http_handler/3).
Label- is the label of the popup.
  140menu_item(Item, Label) :-
  141	cliopatria:menu_item(Item, Label).
  143menu_item(100=repository/load_file_form,		'Load local file').
  144menu_item(200=repository/load_url_form,			'Load from HTTP').
  145menu_item(300=repository/load_library_rdf_form,		'Load from library').
  146menu_item(400=repository/remove_statements_form,	'Remove triples').
  147menu_item(500=repository/clear_repository_form,		'Clear repository').
  149menu_item(100=query/yasgui_editor,		        'YASGUI SPARQL Editor').
  150menu_item(200=query/query_form,				'Simple Form').
  152menu_item(100=places/home,				'Home').
  153menu_item(200=places/list_graphs,			'Graphs').
  154menu_item(200=places/list_prefixes,			'Prefixes').
  156menu_item(100=admin/list_users,				'Users').
  157menu_item(200=admin/settings,				'Settings').
  158menu_item(300=admin/statistics,				'Statistics').
  160menu_item(100=user/login_form+class(login),		'Login') :-
  161	\+ someone_logged_on.
  162menu_item(100=current_user/user_logout,			'Logout') :-
  163	someone_logged_on.
  164menu_item(200=current_user/change_password_form,	'Change password') :-
  165	local_user_logged_on.
  166menu_item(300=current_user/my_openid_page,		'My OpenID page') :-
  167	open_id_user(_).
  169sort_menu_popups(List, Sorted) :-
  170	map_list_to_pairs(popup_order, List, Keyed),
  171	keysort(Keyed, KeySorted),
  172	pairs_values(KeySorted, Sorted).
  174popup_order(Key-Members, Order-(Key-Members)) :-
  175	(   menu_popup_order(Key, Order)
  176	->  true
  177	;   Order = 550			% between application and help
  178	).
 menu_popup_order(+Item, -Location)
Provide numeric locations for the popup-items. This predicate can be hooked by cliopatria:menu_popup_order/2.
  185menu_popup_order(Popup, Order) :-
  186	cliopatria:menu_popup_order(Popup, Order), !.
  187menu_popup_order(places,       100).
  188menu_popup_order(admin,	       200).
  189menu_popup_order(repository,   300).
  190menu_popup_order(query,	       400).
  191menu_popup_order(application,  500).
  192menu_popup_order(help,	       600).
  193menu_popup_order(user,	       700).
  194menu_popup_order(current_user, 800).
 menu_label(+Id, +Default, -Label) is det
  198menu_label(Item, _Default, Label) :-
  199	cliopatria:menu_label(Item, Label), !.
  200menu_label(current_user, _Default, Label) :-
  201	logged_on(User, X),
  202	X \== User, !,
  203	(   user_property(User, realname(RealName))
  204	->  true
  205	;   RealName = 'My account'
  206	),
  207	(   user_property(User, url(URL))
  208	->  Label = a(href(URL), i(RealName))
  209	;   Label = i(RealName)
  210	).
  211menu_label(_, Default, Label) :-
  212	id_to_label(Default, Label).
 id_to_label(+HandlerID, -Label) is det
Computes a default label from the HandlerID. Underscores are mapped to spaces and the first character is capitalised.
  219id_to_label(Atom, Capital) :-
  220	atom_codes(Atom, Codes0),
  221	maplist(underscore_to_space, Codes0, Codes),
  222	(   maplist(is_upper, Codes)
  223	->  Capital = Atom
  224	;   Codes = [First|Rest]
  225	->  code_type(First, to_lower(Up)),
  226	    UpCodes = [Up|Rest],
  227	    atom_codes(Capital, UpCodes)
  228	;   Capital = Atom
  229	).
  231underscore_to_space(0'_, 32) :- !.
  232underscore_to_space(X, X).
 local_user_logged_on is semidet
True if the currently logged on user is a local user (as opposed to an OpenID accredited logon).
  239local_user_logged_on :-
  240	logged_on(User, X),
  241	X \== User,
  242	\+ ( uri_components(User, Components),
  243	     uri_data(scheme, Components, Scheme),
  244	     nonvar(Scheme)
  245	   ).
 someone_logged_on is semidet
True if some user is logged on.
  251someone_logged_on :-
  252	logged_on(User, X),
  253	X \== User.
  255		 /*******************************
  256		 *	      OpenID		*
  257		 *******************************/
  259:- http_handler(root(my_openid_page), my_openid_page, []).  260
  261my_openid_page(Request) :-
  262	open_id_user(User),
  263	http_redirect(see_other, User, Request).
  265open_id_user(User) :-
  266	logged_on(User, X),
  267	X \== User,
  268	uri_components(User, Components),
  269	uri_data(scheme, Components, Scheme),
  270	nonvar(Scheme)