/* Part of SWI-Prolog Author: Jan Wielemaker E-mail: J.Wielemaker@vu.nl WWW: http://www.swi-prolog.org Copyright (c) 2002-2015, University of Amsterdam VU University Amsterdam All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ :- module(win_menu, [ init_win_menus/0 ]). :- use_module(library(lists)). :- use_module(library(apply)). :- use_module(library(error)). :- set_prolog_flag(generate_debug_info, false). :- op(200, fy, @). :- op(990, xfx, :=). /** Console window menu This library sets up the menu of *swipl-win.exe*. It is called from the system initialisation file =plwin-win.rc=, predicate gui_setup_/0. */ :- if(current_prolog_flag(console_menu_version, qt)). % The traditional swipl-win.exe predefines some menus. The Qt version % does not. Here, we predefine the same menus to make the remainder % compatiple. menu('&File', [ 'E&xit' = pqConsole:quit_console ], [ ]). menu('&Edit', [ '&Copy' = pqConsole:copy, '&Paste' = pqConsole:paste ], []). menu('&Settings', [ '&Font ...' = pqConsole:select_font, '&Colors ...' = pqConsole:select_ANSI_term_colors ], []). menu('&Run', [ '&Interrupt' = interrupt, '&New thread' = interactor ], []). menu(File, [ '&Consult ...' = action(user:load_files(+file(open, 'Load file into Prolog'), [silent(false)])), '&Edit ...' = action(user:edit(+file(open, 'Edit existing file'))), '&New ...' = action(edit_new(+file(save, 'Create new Prolog source'))), -- | MRU ], [before_item('E&xit')]) :- File = '&File', findall(Mru=true, mru_info(File, Mru, _, _, _), MRU, MRUTail), MRUTail = [ --, '&Reload modified files' = user:make, --, '&Navigator ...' = prolog_ide(open_navigator), -- ]. :- else. menu('&File', [ '&Consult ...' = action(user:consult(+file(open, 'Load file into Prolog'))), '&Edit ...' = action(user:edit(+file(open, 'Edit existing file'))), '&New ...' = action(edit_new(+file(save, 'Create new Prolog source'))), --, '&Reload modified files' = user:make, --, '&Navigator ...' = prolog_ide(open_navigator), -- ], [ before_item('&Exit') ]). :- endif. menu('&Settings', [ --, '&User init file ...' = prolog_edit_preferences(prolog), '&GUI preferences ...' = prolog_edit_preferences(xpce) ], []). menu('&Debug', [ %'&Trace' = trace, %'&Debug mode' = debug, %'&No debug mode' = nodebug, '&Edit spy points ...' = user:prolog_ide(open_debug_status), '&Edit exceptions ...' = user:prolog_ide(open_exceptions(@on)), '&Threads monitor ...' = user:prolog_ide(thread_monitor), 'Debug &messages ...' = user:prolog_ide(debug_monitor), 'Cross &referencer ...'= user:prolog_ide(xref), --, '&Graphical debugger' = user:guitracer ], [ before_menu(-) ]). menu('&Help', [ '&About ...' = about, '&Help ...' = help, 'Browse &PlDoc ...' = doc_browser, --, 'SWI-Prolog website ...' = www_open(swipl), ' &Manual ...' = www_open(swipl_man), ' &FAQ ...' = www_open(swipl_faq), ' &Quick Start ...' = www_open(swipl_quick), ' Mailing &List ...' = www_open(swipl_mail), ' &Download ...' = www_open(swipl_download), ' &Extension packs ...' = www_open(swipl_pack), --, '&XPCE (GUI) Manual ...' = manpce, --, '&Check installation' = check_installation, 'Submit &Bug report ...' = www_open(swipl_bugs) ], [ before_menu(-) ]). init_win_menus :- ( menu(Menu, Items, Options), ( memberchk(before_item(Before), Options) -> true ; Before = (-) ), ( memberchk(before_menu(BM), Options) -> true ; BM = (-) ), win_insert_menu(Menu, BM), ( '$member'(Item, Items), ( Item = (Label = Action) -> true ; Item == -- -> Label = -- ), win_insert_menu_item(Menu, Label, Before, Action), fail ; true ), fail ; current_prolog_flag(associated_file, File), add_to_mru(load, File) ; insert_associated_file ), refresh_mru. associated_file(File) :- current_prolog_flag(associated_file, File), !. associated_file(File) :- '$cmd_option_val'(script_file, OsFiles), OsFiles = [OsFile], !, prolog_to_os_filename(File, OsFile). insert_associated_file :- associated_file(File), !, file_base_name(File, Base), atom_concat('Edit &', Base, Label), win_insert_menu_item('&File', Label, '&New ...', edit(file(File))). insert_associated_file. :- if(current_predicate(win_has_menu/0)). :- initialization ( win_has_menu -> init_win_menus ; true ). :- endif. /******************************* * ACTIONS * *******************************/ edit_new(File) :- call(edit(file(File))). % avoid autoloading www_open(Id) :- Spec =.. [Id, '.'], call(expand_url_path(Spec, URL)), print_message(informational, opening_url(URL)), call(www_open_url(URL)), % avoid autoloading print_message(informational, opened_url(URL)). html_open(Spec) :- absolute_file_name(Spec, [access(read)], Path), call(win_shell(open, Path)). :- if(current_predicate(win_message_box/2)). about :- message_to_string(about, AboutSWI), ( current_prolog_flag(console_menu_version, qt) -> message_to_string(about_qt, AboutQt), format(atom(About), '


~w', [AboutSWI, AboutQt]) ; About = AboutSWI ), atomic_list_concat(Lines, '\n', About), atomic_list_concat(Lines, '
', AboutHTML), win_message_box( AboutHTML, [ title('About swipl-win'), image(':/swipl.png'), min_width(700) ]). :- else. about :- print_message(informational, about). :- endif. load(Path) :- ( \+ current_prolog_flag(associated_file, _) -> file_directory_name(Path, Dir), working_directory(_, Dir), set_prolog_flag(associated_file, Path) ; true ), user:load_files(Path). /******************************* * HANDLE CALLBACK * *******************************/ action(Action) :- strip_module(Action, Module, Plain), Plain =.. [Name|Args], gather_args(Args, Values), Goal =.. [Name|Values], call(Module:Goal). gather_args([], []). gather_args([+H0|T0], [H|T]) :- !, gather_arg(H0, H), gather_args(T0, T). gather_args([H|T0], [H|T]) :- gather_args(T0, T). :- if(current_prolog_flag(console_menu_version, qt)). gather_arg(file(open, Title), File) :- !, source_types_desc(Desc), pqConsole:getOpenFileName(Title, _, Desc, File), add_to_mru(edit, File). gather_arg(file(save, Title), File) :- source_types_desc(Desc), pqConsole:getSaveFileName(Title, _, Desc, File), add_to_mru(edit, File). source_types_desc(Desc) :- findall(Pattern, prolog_file_pattern(Pattern), Patterns), atomic_list_concat(Patterns, ' ', Atom), format(atom(Desc), 'Prolog Source (~w)', [Atom]). :- else. gather_arg(file(Mode, Title), File) :- findall(tuple('Prolog Source', Pattern), prolog_file_pattern(Pattern), Tuples), '$append'(Tuples, [tuple('All files', '*.*')], AllTuples), Filter =.. [chain|AllTuples], current_prolog_flag(hwnd, HWND), working_directory(CWD, CWD), call(get(@display, win_file_name, % avoid autoloading Mode, Filter, Title, directory := CWD, owner := HWND, File)). :- endif. prolog_file_pattern(Pattern) :- user:prolog_file_type(Ext, prolog), atom_concat('*.', Ext, Pattern). :- if(current_prolog_flag(windows, true)). /******************************* * APPLICATION * *******************************/ %! init_win_app % % If Prolog is started using --win_app, try to change directory % to \Prolog. init_win_app :- current_prolog_flag(associated_file, _), !. init_win_app :- '$cmd_option_val'(win_app, true), !, catch(my_prolog, E, print_message(warning, E)). init_win_app. my_prolog :- win_folder(personal, MyDocs), atom_concat(MyDocs, '/Prolog', PrologDir), ( ensure_dir(PrologDir) -> working_directory(_, PrologDir) ; working_directory(_, MyDocs) ). ensure_dir(Dir) :- exists_directory(Dir), !. ensure_dir(Dir) :- catch(make_directory(Dir), E, (print_message(warning, E), fail)). :- initialization init_win_app. :- endif. /*windows*/ /******************************* * MacOS * *******************************/ :- if(current_prolog_flag(console_menu_version, qt)). :- multifile prolog:file_open_event/1. :- create_prolog_flag(app_open_first, load, []). :- create_prolog_flag(app_open, edit, []). %! prolog:file_open_event(+Name) % % Called when opening a file from the MacOS finder. The action % depends on whether this is the first file or not, and defined by % one of these flags: % % - =app_open_first= defines the action for the first open event % - =app_open= defines the action for subsequent open event % % On the _first_ open event, the working directory of the process % is changed to the directory holding the file. Action is one of % the following: % % * load % Load the file into Prolog % * edit % Open the file in the editor % * new_instance % Open the file in a new instance of Prolog and load it there. prolog:file_open_event(Path) :- ( current_prolog_flag(associated_file, _) -> current_prolog_flag(app_open, Action) ; current_prolog_flag(app_open_first, Action), file_directory_name(Path, Dir), working_directory(_, Dir), set_prolog_flag(associated_file, Path), insert_associated_file ), must_be(oneof([edit,load,new_instance]), Action), file_open_event(Action, Path). file_open_event(edit, Path) :- edit(Path). file_open_event(load, Path) :- add_to_mru(load, Path), user:load_files(Path). :- if(current_prolog_flag(apple, true)). file_open_event(new_instance, Path) :- current_app(Me), print_message(informational, new_instance(Path)), process_create(path(open), [ '-n', '-a', Me, Path ], []). :- else. file_open_event(new_instance, Path) :- current_prolog_flag(executable, Exe), process_create(Exe, [Path], [process(_Pid)]). :- endif. :- if(current_prolog_flag(apple, true)). current_app(App) :- current_prolog_flag(executable, Exe), file_directory_name(Exe, MacOSDir), atom_concat(App, '/Contents/MacOS', MacOSDir). %! go_home_on_plain_app_start is det. % % On Apple, we start in the users home dir if the application is % started by opening the app directly. go_home_on_plain_app_start :- current_prolog_flag(os_argv, [_Exe]), current_app(App), file_directory_name(App, Above), working_directory(PWD, PWD), same_file(PWD, Above), expand_file_name(~, [Home]), !, working_directory(_, Home). go_home_on_plain_app_start. :- initialization go_home_on_plain_app_start. :- endif. :- endif. :- if(current_predicate(win_current_preference/3)). mru_info('&File', 'Edit &Recent', 'MRU2', path, edit). mru_info('&File', 'Load &Recent', 'MRULoad', path, load). add_to_mru(Action, File) :- mru_info(_Top, _Menu, PrefGroup, PrefKey, Action), ( win_current_preference(PrefGroup, PrefKey, CPs), nonvar(CPs) -> ( select(File, CPs, Rest) -> Updated = [File|Rest] ; length(CPs, Len), Len > 10 -> append(CPs1, [_], CPs), Updated = [File|CPs1] ; Updated = [File|CPs] ) ; Updated = [File] ), win_set_preference(PrefGroup, PrefKey, Updated), refresh_mru. refresh_mru :- ( mru_info(FileMenu, Menu, PrefGroup, PrefKey, Action), win_current_preference(PrefGroup, PrefKey, CPs), maplist(action_path_menu(Action), CPs, Labels, Actions), win_insert_menu_item(FileMenu, Menu/Labels, -, Actions), fail ; true ). action_path_menu(ActionItem, Path, Label, win_menu:Action) :- file_base_name(Path, Label), Action =.. [ActionItem, Path]. :- else. add_to_mru(_, _). refresh_mru. :- endif. /******************************* * MESSAGES * *******************************/ :- multifile prolog:message/3. prolog:message(opening_url(Url)) --> [ 'Opening ~w ... '-[Url], flush ]. prolog:message(opened_url(_Url)) --> [ at_same_line, 'ok' ]. prolog:message(new_instance(Path)) --> [ 'Opening new Prolog instance for ~p'-[Path] ]. :- if(current_prolog_flag(console_menu_version, qt)). prolog:message(about_qt) --> [ 'Qt-based console by Carlo Capelli' ]. :- endif.