/* Part of SWI-Prolog Author: Jan Wielemaker E-mail: J.Wielemaker@vu.nl WWW: http://www.swi-prolog.org Copyright (c) 2001-2016, University of Amsterdam VU University Amsterdam All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ :- module(prolog_listing, [ listing/0, listing/1, portray_clause/1, % +Clause portray_clause/2, % +Stream, +Clause portray_clause/3 % +Stream, +Clause, +Options ]). :- use_module(library(lists)). :- use_module(library(settings)). :- use_module(library(option)). :- use_module(library(error)). :- set_prolog_flag(generate_debug_info, false). :- module_transparent listing/0. :- meta_predicate listing(:), portray_clause(+,+,:). :- predicate_options(portray_clause/3, 3, [pass_to(system:write_term/3, 3)]). :- multifile prolog:locate_clauses/2. % +Spec, -ClauseRefList /** List programs and pretty print clauses This module implements listing code from the internal representation in a human readable format. * listing/0 lists a module. * listing/1 lists a predicate or matching clause * portray_clause/2 pretty-prints a clause-term Layout can be customized using library(settings). The effective settings can be listed using list_settings/1 as illustrated below. Settings can be changed using set_setting/2. == ?- list_settings(listing). ======================================================================== Name Value (*=modified) Comment ======================================================================== listing:body_indentation 8 Indentation used goals in the body listing:tab_distance 8 Distance between tab-stops. ... == @tbd More settings, support _|Coding Guidelines for Prolog|_ and make the suggestions there the default. @tbd Provide persistent user customization */ :- setting(listing:body_indentation, nonneg, 8, 'Indentation used goals in the body'). :- setting(listing:tab_distance, nonneg, 8, 'Distance between tab-stops. 0 uses only spaces'). :- setting(listing:cut_on_same_line, boolean, true, 'Place cuts (!) on the same line'). :- setting(listing:line_width, nonneg, 78, 'Width of a line. 0 is infinite'). %! listing % % Lists all predicates defined in the calling module. Imported % predicates are not listed. To list the content of the module % =mymodule=, use: % % == % ?- mymodule:listing. % == listing :- context_module(Context), list_module(Context). list_module(Module) :- ( current_predicate(_, Module:Pred), \+ predicate_property(Module:Pred, imported_from(_)), strip_module(Pred, _Module, Head), functor(Head, Name, _Arity), ( ( predicate_property(Pred, built_in) ; sub_atom(Name, 0, _, _, $) ) -> current_prolog_flag(access_level, system) ; true ), nl, list_predicate(Module:Head, Module), fail ; true ). %! listing(:What) % % List matching clauses. What is either a plain specification or a % list of specifications. Plain specifications are: % % * Predicate indicator (Name/Arity or Name//Arity) % Lists the indicated predicate. This also outputs relevant % _declarations_, such as multifile/1 or dynamic/1. % % * A _Head_ term. In this case, only clauses whose head % unify with _Head_ are listed. This is illustrated in the % query below that only lists the first clause of append/3. % % == % ?- listing(append([], _, _)). % lists:append([], A, A). % == listing(M:Spec) :- var(Spec), !, list_module(M). listing(M:List) :- is_list(List), !, forall(member(Spec, List), listing(M:Spec)). listing(X) :- ( prolog:locate_clauses(X, ClauseRefs) -> list_clauserefs(ClauseRefs) ; '$find_predicate'(X, Preds), list_predicates(Preds, X) ). list_clauserefs([]) :- !. list_clauserefs([H|T]) :- !, list_clauserefs(H), list_clauserefs(T). list_clauserefs(Ref) :- clause(Head, Body, Ref), portray_clause((Head :- Body)). %! list_predicates(:Preds:list(pi), :Spec) is det. list_predicates(PIs, Context:X) :- member(PI, PIs), pi_to_head(PI, Pred), unify_args(Pred, X), list_define(Pred, DefPred), list_predicate(DefPred, Context), nl, fail. list_predicates(_, _). list_define(Head, LoadModule:Head) :- compound(Head), Head \= (_:_), functor(Head, Name, Arity), '$find_library'(_, Name, Arity, LoadModule, Library), !, use_module(Library, []). list_define(M:Pred, DefM:Pred) :- '$define_predicate'(M:Pred), ( predicate_property(M:Pred, imported_from(DefM)) -> true ; DefM = M ). pi_to_head(PI, _) :- var(PI), !, instantiation_error(PI). pi_to_head(M:PI, M:Head) :- !, pi_to_head(PI, Head). pi_to_head(Name/Arity, Head) :- functor(Head, Name, Arity). % Unify the arguments of the specification with the given term, % so we can partially instantate the head. unify_args(_, _/_) :- !. % Name/arity spec unify_args(X, X) :- !. unify_args(_:X, X) :- !. unify_args(_, _). list_predicate(Pred, Context) :- predicate_property(Pred, undefined), !, decl_term(Pred, Context, Decl), format('% Undefined: ~q~n', [Decl]). list_predicate(Pred, Context) :- predicate_property(Pred, foreign), !, decl_term(Pred, Context, Decl), format('% Foreign: ~q~n', [Decl]). list_predicate(Pred, Context) :- notify_changed(Pred, Context), list_declarations(Pred, Context), list_clauses(Pred, Context). decl_term(Pred, Context, Decl) :- strip_module(Pred, Module, Head), functor(Head, Name, Arity), ( hide_module(Module, Context, Head) -> Decl = Name/Arity ; Decl = Module:Name/Arity ). decl(thread_local, thread_local). decl(dynamic, dynamic). decl(volatile, volatile). decl(multifile, multifile). decl(public, public). declaration(Pred, Source, Decl) :- decl(Prop, Declname), predicate_property(Pred, Prop), decl_term(Pred, Source, Funct), Decl =.. [ Declname, Funct ]. declaration(Pred, Source, Decl) :- predicate_property(Pred, meta_predicate(Head)), strip_module(Pred, Module, _), ( (Module == system; Source == Module) -> Decl = meta_predicate(Head) ; Decl = meta_predicate(Module:Head) ), ( meta_implies_transparent(Head) -> ! % hide transparent ; true ). declaration(Pred, Source, Decl) :- predicate_property(Pred, transparent), decl_term(Pred, Source, PI), Decl = module_transparent(PI). %! meta_implies_transparent(+Head) is semidet. % % True if the meta-declaration Head implies that the predicate is % transparent. meta_implies_transparent(Head):- compound(Head), arg(_, Head, Arg), implies_transparent(Arg), !. implies_transparent(Arg) :- integer(Arg), !. implies_transparent(:). implies_transparent(//). implies_transparent(^). list_declarations(Pred, Source) :- findall(Decl, declaration(Pred, Source, Decl), Decls), ( Decls == [] -> true ; write_declarations(Decls, Source), format('~n', []) ). write_declarations([], _) :- !. write_declarations([H|T], Module) :- format(':- ~q.~n', [H]), write_declarations(T, Module). list_clauses(Pred, Source) :- strip_module(Pred, Module, Head), ( clause(Pred, Body), write_module(Module, Source, Head), portray_clause((Head:-Body)), fail ; true ). write_module(Module, Context, Head) :- hide_module(Module, Context, Head), !. write_module(Module, _, _) :- format('~q:', [Module]). hide_module(system, Module, Head) :- predicate_property(Module:Head, imported_from(M)), predicate_property(system:Head, imported_from(M)), !. hide_module(Module, Module, _) :- !. notify_changed(Pred, Context) :- strip_module(Pred, user, Head), predicate_property(Head, built_in), \+ predicate_property(Head, (dynamic)), !, decl_term(Pred, Context, Decl), format('% NOTE: system definition has been overruled for ~q~n', [Decl]). notify_changed(_, _). %! portray_clause(+Clause) is det. %! portray_clause(+Out:stream, +Clause) is det. %! portray_clause(+Out:stream, +Clause, +Options) is det. % % Portray `Clause' on the current output stream. Layout of the % clause is to our best standards. As the actual variable names % are not available we use A, B, ... Deals with ';', '|', '->' and % calls via meta-call predicates as determined using the predicate % property meta_predicate. If Clause contains attributed % variables, these are treated as normal variables. % % If Options is provided, the option-list is passed to % write_term/3 that does the final writing of arguments. % The prolog_list_goal/1 hook is a dubious as it may lead to % confusion if the heads relates to other bodies. For now it is % only used for XPCE methods and works just nice. % % Not really ... It may confuse the source-level debugger. %portray_clause(Head :- _Body) :- % user:prolog_list_goal(Head), !. portray_clause(Term) :- current_output(Out), portray_clause(Out, Term). portray_clause(Stream, Term) :- must_be(stream, Stream), portray_clause(Stream, Term, []). portray_clause(Stream, Term, M:Options) :- must_be(list, Options), meta_options(is_meta, M:Options, QOptions), \+ \+ ( copy_term_nat(Term, Copy), numbervars(Copy, 0, _, [ singletons(true) ]), do_portray_clause(Stream, Copy, QOptions) ). is_meta(portray_goal). do_portray_clause(Out, Var, Options) :- var(Var), !, pprint(Out, Var, 1200, Options). do_portray_clause(Out, (Head :- true), Options) :- !, pprint(Out, Head, 1200, Options), full_stop(Out). do_portray_clause(Out, Term, Options) :- clause_term(Term, Head, Neck, Body), !, inc_indent(0, 1, Indent), infix_op(Neck, RightPri, LeftPri), pprint(Out, Head, LeftPri, Options), format(Out, ' ~w', [Neck]), ( nonvar(Body), Body = Module:LocalBody, \+ primitive(LocalBody) -> nlindent(Out, Indent), format(Out, '~q', [Module]), '$put_token'(Out, :), nlindent(Out, Indent), write(Out, '( '), inc_indent(Indent, 1, BodyIndent), portray_body(LocalBody, BodyIndent, noindent, 1200, Out, Options), nlindent(Out, Indent), write(Out, ')') ; setting(listing:body_indentation, BodyIndent), portray_body(Body, BodyIndent, indent, RightPri, Out, Options) ), full_stop(Out). do_portray_clause(Out, (:-use_module(File, Imports)), Options) :- length(Imports, Len), Len > 3, !, format(Out, ':- use_module(~q,', [File]), portray_list(Imports, 14, Out, Options), write(Out, ').\n'). do_portray_clause(Out, (:-module(Module, Exports)), Options) :- !, format(Out, ':- module(~q,', [Module]), portray_list(Exports, 10, Out, Options), write(Out, ').\n'). do_portray_clause(Out, (:-Directive), Options) :- !, write(Out, ':- '), portray_body(Directive, 3, noindent, 1199, Out, Options), full_stop(Out). do_portray_clause(Out, Fact, Options) :- portray_body(Fact, 0, noindent, 1200, Out, Options), full_stop(Out). clause_term((Head:-Body), Head, :-, Body). clause_term((Head-->Body), Head, -->, Body). full_stop(Out) :- '$put_token'(Out, '.'), nl(Out). %! portray_body(+Term, +Indent, +DoIndent, +Priority, +Out, +Options) % % Write Term at current indentation. If DoIndent is 'indent' we % must first call nlindent/2 before emitting anything. portray_body(Var, _, _, Pri, Out, Options) :- var(Var), !, pprint(Out, Var, Pri, Options). portray_body(!, _, _, _, Out, _) :- setting(listing:cut_on_same_line, true), !, write(Out, ' !'). portray_body((!, Clause), Indent, _, Pri, Out, Options) :- setting(listing:cut_on_same_line, true), \+ term_needs_braces((_,_), Pri), !, write(Out, ' !,'), portray_body(Clause, Indent, indent, 1000, Out, Options). portray_body(Term, Indent, indent, Pri, Out, Options) :- !, nlindent(Out, Indent), portray_body(Term, Indent, noindent, Pri, Out, Options). portray_body(Or, Indent, _, _, Out, Options) :- or_layout(Or), !, write(Out, '( '), portray_or(Or, Indent, 1200, Out, Options), nlindent(Out, Indent), write(Out, ')'). portray_body(Term, Indent, _, Pri, Out, Options) :- term_needs_braces(Term, Pri), !, write(Out, '( '), ArgIndent is Indent + 2, portray_body(Term, ArgIndent, noindent, 1200, Out, Options), nlindent(Out, Indent), write(Out, ')'). portray_body((A,B), Indent, _, _Pri, Out, Options) :- !, infix_op(',', LeftPri, RightPri), portray_body(A, Indent, noindent, LeftPri, Out, Options), write(Out, ','), portray_body(B, Indent, indent, RightPri, Out, Options). portray_body(\+(Goal), Indent, _, _Pri, Out, Options) :- !, write(Out, \+), write(Out, ' '), prefix_op(\+, ArgPri), ArgIndent is Indent+3, portray_body(Goal, ArgIndent, noindent, ArgPri, Out, Options). portray_body(Call, _, _, _, Out, Options) :- % requires knowledge on the module! m_callable(Call), option(module(M), Options, user), predicate_property(M:Call, meta_predicate(Meta)), !, portray_meta(Out, Call, Meta, Options). portray_body(Clause, _, _, Pri, Out, Options) :- pprint(Out, Clause, Pri, Options). m_callable(Term) :- strip_module(Term, _, Plain), callable(Plain), Plain \= (_:_). term_needs_braces(Term, Pri) :- callable(Term), functor(Term, Name, _Arity), current_op(OpPri, _Type, Name), OpPri > Pri, !. %! portray_or(+Term, +Indent, +Priority, +Out) is det. portray_or(Term, Indent, Pri, Out, Options) :- term_needs_braces(Term, Pri), !, inc_indent(Indent, 1, NewIndent), write(Out, '( '), portray_or(Term, NewIndent, Out, Options), nlindent(Out, NewIndent), write(Out, ')'). portray_or(Term, Indent, _Pri, Out, Options) :- or_layout(Term), !, portray_or(Term, Indent, Out, Options). portray_or(Term, Indent, Pri, Out, Options) :- inc_indent(Indent, 1, NestIndent), portray_body(Term, NestIndent, noindent, Pri, Out, Options). portray_or((If -> Then ; Else), Indent, Out, Options) :- !, inc_indent(Indent, 1, NestIndent), infix_op((->), LeftPri, RightPri), portray_body(If, NestIndent, noindent, LeftPri, Out, Options), nlindent(Out, Indent), write(Out, '-> '), portray_body(Then, NestIndent, noindent, RightPri, Out, Options), nlindent(Out, Indent), write(Out, '; '), infix_op(;, _LeftPri, RightPri2), portray_or(Else, Indent, RightPri2, Out, Options). portray_or((If *-> Then ; Else), Indent, Out, Options) :- !, inc_indent(Indent, 1, NestIndent), infix_op((*->), LeftPri, RightPri), portray_body(If, NestIndent, noindent, LeftPri, Out, Options), nlindent(Out, Indent), write(Out, '*-> '), portray_body(Then, NestIndent, noindent, RightPri, Out, Options), nlindent(Out, Indent), write(Out, '; '), infix_op(;, _LeftPri, RightPri2), portray_or(Else, Indent, RightPri2, Out, Options). portray_or((If -> Then), Indent, Out, Options) :- !, inc_indent(Indent, 1, NestIndent), infix_op((->), LeftPri, RightPri), portray_body(If, NestIndent, noindent, LeftPri, Out, Options), nlindent(Out, Indent), write(Out, '-> '), portray_or(Then, Indent, RightPri, Out, Options). portray_or((If *-> Then), Indent, Out, Options) :- !, inc_indent(Indent, 1, NestIndent), infix_op((->), LeftPri, RightPri), portray_body(If, NestIndent, noindent, LeftPri, Out, Options), nlindent(Out, Indent), write(Out, '*-> '), portray_or(Then, Indent, RightPri, Out, Options). portray_or((A;B), Indent, Out, Options) :- !, inc_indent(Indent, 1, NestIndent), infix_op(;, LeftPri, RightPri), portray_body(A, NestIndent, noindent, LeftPri, Out, Options), nlindent(Out, Indent), write(Out, '; '), portray_or(B, Indent, RightPri, Out, Options). portray_or((A|B), Indent, Out, Options) :- !, inc_indent(Indent, 1, NestIndent), infix_op('|', LeftPri, RightPri), portray_body(A, NestIndent, noindent, LeftPri, Out, Options), nlindent(Out, Indent), write(Out, '| '), portray_or(B, Indent, RightPri, Out, Options). %! infix_op(+Op, -Left, -Right) is semidet. % % True if Op is an infix operator and Left is the max priority of its % left hand and Right is the max priority of its right hand. infix_op(Op, Left, Right) :- current_op(Pri, Assoc, Op), infix_assoc(Assoc, LeftMin, RightMin), !, Left is Pri - LeftMin, Right is Pri - RightMin. infix_assoc(xfx, 1, 1). infix_assoc(xfy, 1, 0). infix_assoc(yfx, 0, 1). prefix_op(Op, ArgPri) :- current_op(Pri, Assoc, Op), pre_assoc(Assoc, ArgMin), !, ArgPri is Pri - ArgMin. pre_assoc(fx, 1). pre_assoc(fy, 0). postfix_op(Op, ArgPri) :- current_op(Pri, Assoc, Op), post_assoc(Assoc, ArgMin), !, ArgPri is Pri - ArgMin. post_assoc(xf, 1). post_assoc(yf, 0). %! or_layout(@Term) is semidet. % % True if Term is a control structure for which we want to use clean % layout. % % @tbd Change name. or_layout(Var) :- var(Var), !, fail. or_layout((_;_)). or_layout((_->_)). or_layout((_*->_)). primitive(G) :- or_layout(G), !, fail. primitive((_,_)) :- !, fail. primitive(_). %! portray_meta(+Out, +Call, +MetaDecl, +Options) % % Portray a meta-call. If Call contains non-primitive meta-calls % we put each argument on a line and layout the body. Otherwise we % simply print the goal. portray_meta(Out, Call, Meta, Options) :- contains_non_primitive_meta_arg(Call, Meta), !, Call =.. [Name|Args], Meta =.. [_|Decls], format(Out, '~q(', [Name]), line_position(Out, Indent), portray_meta_args(Decls, Args, Indent, Out, Options), format(Out, ')', []). portray_meta(Out, Call, _, Options) :- pprint(Out, Call, 999, Options). contains_non_primitive_meta_arg(Call, Decl) :- arg(I, Call, CA), arg(I, Decl, DA), integer(DA), \+ primitive(CA), !. portray_meta_args([], [], _, _, _). portray_meta_args([D|DT], [A|AT], Indent, Out, Options) :- portray_meta_arg(D, A, Out, Options), ( DT == [] -> true ; format(Out, ',', []), nlindent(Out, Indent), portray_meta_args(DT, AT, Indent, Out, Options) ). portray_meta_arg(I, A, Out, Options) :- integer(I), !, line_position(Out, Indent), portray_body(A, Indent, noindent, 999, Out, Options). portray_meta_arg(_, A, Out, Options) :- pprint(Out, A, 999, Options). %! portray_list(+List, +Indent, +Out) % % Portray a list like this. Right side for improper lists % % [ element1, [ element1 % element2, OR | tail % ] ] portray_list([], _, Out, _) :- !, write(Out, []). portray_list(List, Indent, Out, Options) :- nlindent(Out, Indent), write(Out, '[ '), EIndent is Indent + 2, portray_list_elements(List, EIndent, Out, Options), nlindent(Out, Indent), write(Out, ']'). portray_list_elements([H|T], EIndent, Out, Options) :- pprint(Out, H, 999, Options), ( T == [] -> true ; nonvar(T), T = [_|_] -> write(Out, ','), nlindent(Out, EIndent), portray_list_elements(T, EIndent, Out, Options) ; Indent is EIndent - 2, nlindent(Out, Indent), write(Out, '| '), pprint(Out, T, 999, Options) ). %! pprint(+Out, +Term, +Priority, +Options) % % Print Term at Priority. This also takes care of several % formatting options, in particular: % % * {}(Arg) terms are printed with aligned arguments, assuming % that the term is a body-term. % * Terms that do not fit on the line are wrapped using % pprint_wrapped/3. % % @tbd Decide when and how to wrap long terms. pprint(Out, Term, _, Options) :- nonvar(Term), Term = {}(Arg), line_position(Out, Indent), ArgIndent is Indent + 2, format(Out, '{ ', []), portray_body(Arg, ArgIndent, noident, 1000, Out, Options), nlindent(Out, Indent), format(Out, '}', []). pprint(Out, Term, Pri, Options) :- ( compound(Term) -> compound_name_arity(Term, _, Arity), Arity > 0 ; is_dict(Term) ), \+ nowrap_term(Term), setting(listing:line_width, Width), Width > 0, ( write_length(Term, Len, [max_length(Width)|Options]) -> true ; Len = Width ), line_position(Out, Indent), Indent + Len > Width, Len > Width/4, % ad-hoc rule for deeply nested goals !, pprint_wrapped(Out, Term, Pri, Options). pprint(Out, Term, Pri, Options) :- listing_write_options(Pri, WrtOptions, Options), write_term(Out, Term, WrtOptions). nowrap_term('$VAR'(_)) :- !. nowrap_term(_{}) :- !. % empty dict nowrap_term(Term) :- functor(Term, Name, Arity), current_op(_, _, Name), ( Arity == 2 -> infix_op(Name, _, _) ; Arity == 1 -> ( prefix_op(Name, _) -> true ; postfix_op(Name, _) ) ). pprint_wrapped(Out, Term, _, Options) :- Term = [_|_], !, line_position(Out, Indent), portray_list(Term, Indent, Out, Options). pprint_wrapped(Out, Dict, _, Options) :- is_dict(Dict), !, dict_pairs(Dict, Tag, Pairs), pprint(Out, Tag, 1200, Options), format(Out, '{ ', []), line_position(Out, Indent), pprint_nv(Pairs, Indent, Out, Options), nlindent(Out, Indent-2), format(Out, '}', []). pprint_wrapped(Out, Term, _, Options) :- Term =.. [Name|Args], format(Out, '~q(', Name), line_position(Out, Indent), pprint_args(Args, Indent, Out, Options), format(Out, ')', []). pprint_args([], _, _, _). pprint_args([H|T], Indent, Out, Options) :- pprint(Out, H, 999, Options), ( T == [] -> true ; format(Out, ',', []), nlindent(Out, Indent), pprint_args(T, Indent, Out, Options) ). pprint_nv([], _, _, _). pprint_nv([Name-Value|T], Indent, Out, Options) :- pprint(Out, Name, 999, Options), format(Out, ':', []), pprint(Out, Value, 999, Options), ( T == [] -> true ; format(Out, ',', []), nlindent(Out, Indent), pprint_nv(T, Indent, Out, Options) ). %! listing_write_options(+Priority, -WriteOptions) is det. % % WriteOptions are write_term/3 options for writing a term at % priority Priority. listing_write_options(Pri, [ quoted(true), numbervars(true), priority(Pri), spacing(next_argument) | Options ], Options). %! nlindent(+Out, +Indent) % % Write newline and indent to column Indent. Uses the setting % listing:tab_distance to determine the mapping between tabs and % spaces. nlindent(Out, N) :- nl(Out), setting(listing:tab_distance, D), ( D =:= 0 -> tab(Out, N) ; Tab is N // D, Space is N mod D, put_tabs(Out, Tab), tab(Out, Space) ). put_tabs(Out, N) :- N > 0, !, put(Out, 0'\t), NN is N - 1, put_tabs(Out, NN). put_tabs(_, _). %! inc_indent(+Indent0, +Inc, -Indent) % % Increment the indent with logical steps. inc_indent(Indent0, Inc, Indent) :- Indent is Indent0 + Inc*4. :- multifile sandbox:safe_meta/2. sandbox:safe_meta(listing(What), []) :- not_qualified(What). not_qualified(Var) :- var(Var), !. not_qualified(_:_) :- !, fail. not_qualified(_).