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    1:- module(skos,
    2	  [
    3	  ]).    4
    5:- use_module(library(semweb/rdf_db)).

Domain-specific components for SKOS models


 rdf_label:label_hook(+URI, -Literal) is nondet
Implement SKOS-XL handling. In SKOS-XL, a label is a uri with one or more skosxl:literalForm attributes.
   15rdf_label:label_hook(SKOS, Literal) :-
   16        (   rdf_has(SKOS, skosxl:prefLabel, SKOSXL)
   17	;   rdf_has(SKOS, skosxl:altLabel, SKOSXL)
   18	),
   19        rdf_has(SKOSXL, skosxl:literalForm, Literal)