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    1/*  Part of ClioPatria SeRQL and SPARQL server
    3    Author:        Michiel Hildebrand
    4    E-mail:
    5    WWW: 
    6    Copyright (C): 2010, CWI Amsterdam,
    7			 VU University Amsterdam
    9    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   10    modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
   11    as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
   12    of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
   14    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   15    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   17    GNU General Public License for more details.
   19    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
   20    License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
   21    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
   23    As a special exception, if you link this library with other files,
   24    compiled with a Free Software compiler, to produce an executable, this
   25    library does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered
   26    by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not however
   27    invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by
   28    the GNU General Public License.
   31:- module(app_isearch,
   32	  [ isearch_field//2,		% +Query, +Class
   33	    isearch_page/2		% Options, +Request
   34	  ]).   35:- use_module(library(http/http_dispatch)).   36:- use_module(library(http/http_parameters)).   37:- use_module(library(http/html_write)).   38:- use_module(library(http/http_wrapper)).   39:- use_module(library(http/http_host)).   40:- use_module(library(http/http_path)).   41:- use_module(library(http/html_head)).   42:- use_module(library(http/json)).   43:- use_module(library(http/json_convert)).   44:- use_module(library(semweb/rdf_db)).   45:- use_module(library(semweb/rdfs)).   46:- use_module(library(semweb/rdf_litindex)).   47:- use_module(library(semweb/rdf_label)).   48:- use_module(library(semweb/rdf_description)).   49:- use_module(library(semweb/rdf_abstract)).   50:- use_module(library(settings)).   51:- use_module(library(apply)).   52:- use_module(library(http/cp_jquery)).   53
   54:- use_module(library(search/facet)).   55:- use_module(components(label)).   56
   57:- multifile
   58	cliopatria:format_search_result//3,	% +Result, +Query, +Graph
   59	cliopatria:search_pattern/3.		% +Start, -Result, -Graph
   61:- rdf_meta
   62	isearch_field(+,r,?,?),
   63	cliopatria:facet_exclude_property(r).   64
   65% declare application settings
   67% Do not change these here. Instead use this in your startup file:
   69%	==
   70%	:- set_setting_default(id, value).
   71%	==
   73:- setting(search:target_class, uri, rdfs:'Resource',
   74	   'Default search target').   75
   76% interactive search components
   77:- setting(search:show_disambiguations, boolean, true,
   78	   'Show terms matching the query as disambiguation suggestions').   79:- setting(search:show_suggestions, boolean, false,
   80	   'Show terms as suggestions for further queries').   81:- setting(search:show_relations, boolean, true,
   82	   'Show relations by which search results are found').   83:- setting(search:show_facets, boolean, true,
   84	   'Show faceted filters in the search result page').   85
   86% limits
   87:- setting(search:result_limit, integer, 10,
   88	  'Maximum number of results shown').   89:- setting(search:term_limit, integer, 5,
   90	  'Maximum number of items shown in the term disambiguation list').   91:- setting(search:relation_limit, integer, 5,
   92	  'Maximum number of relations shown').   93
   94% search patterns
   95:- setting(search:pattern_literal, boolean, true,
   96	   'Find results by a direct literal property').   97:- setting(search:pattern_resource, boolean, true,
   98	   'Find results by an object property from which the resource has a matching label').   99
  100:- http_handler(root(isearch), isearch_page([]), [id(isearch)]).
 isearch_page(+Options, +Request)
HTTP handler for the interactive search application. Options:
Class that defines targets.
One of literal or a type for rdf_find_literals/2. Default is case.
If false, omit the header that provides the search-field.
  114isearch_page(Options, Request) :-
  115	(   debugging(profile(isearch))
  116	->  profile(isearch_page2(Options, Request))
  117	;   isearch_page2(Options, Request)
  118	).
  120isearch_page2(Options, Request) :-
  121	setting(search:target_class, DefTargetClass),
  122	setting(search:result_limit, DefaultLimit),
  124	option(target_class(TargetClass), Options, DefTargetClass),
  126	http_parameters(Request,
  127			[ q(Keyword,
  128			    [ optional(true),
  129			      description('Search query')
  130			    ]),
  131			  class(Class,
  132				[ default(TargetClass),
  133				  description('Target Class')
  134				]),
  135			  term(Terms,
  136			       [ zero_or_more,
  137				 description('Disambiguation term')
  138			       ]),
  139			  relation(Relations,
  140				   [ zero_or_more,
  141				     description('Limit results by specific relation')
  142				   ]),
  143			  filter(Filter,
  144				 [ default([]), json,
  145				   description('Filters on the result set')
  146				 ]),
  147			  offset(Offset,
  148				 [ default(0), integer,
  149				   description('Offset of the result list')
  150				 ]),
  151			  limit(Limit,
  152				[ default(DefaultLimit), integer,
  153				  description('Limit on the number of results')
  154				])
  155			]),
  156	(   var(Keyword)
  157	->  html_start_page(Class)
  158	;   QueryParams = query(Keyword,
  159				Class, Terms, Relations, Filter,
  160				Offset, Limit),
  162	    make_query(Keyword, Query, Options),
  164					% search
  165	    keyword_search_graph(Query, instance_of_class(Class),
  166				 AllResults, Graph),
  168					% limit by related terms
  169	    restrict_by_terms(Terms, AllResults, Graph, ResultsWithTerm),
  171					% limit by predicate on target
  172	    restrict_by_relations(Relations, ResultsWithTerm, Graph,
  173				  ResultsWithRelation),
  175					% limit by facet-value
  176	    filter_results_by_facet(ResultsWithRelation, Filter, Results),
  177	    compute_facets(Results, ResultsWithRelation, Filter, Facets),
  179	    length(ResultsWithRelation, NumberOfRelationResults),
  180	    length(Results, NumberOfResults),
  181	    list_offset(Results, Offset, OffsetResults),
  182	    list_limit(OffsetResults, Limit, LimitedResults, _),
  184	    graph_terms(Graph, MatchingTerms),
  185	    result_relations(ResultsWithTerm, Graph, MatchingRelations),
  186	    related_terms(Terms, Class, RelatedTerms),
  188	    html_result_page(QueryParams,
  189			     result(LimitedResults, NumberOfResults, NumberOfRelationResults),
  190			     Graph,
  191			     MatchingTerms, RelatedTerms,
  192			     MatchingRelations, Facets, Options)
  193	).
  195compute_facets(Results, AllResults, Filter, Facets) :-
  196	facets(Results, AllResults, Filter, ActiveFacets0, InactiveFacets0),
  197	maplist(cleanup_facet, ActiveFacets0, ActiveFacets1),
  198	maplist(cleanup_facet, InactiveFacets0, InactiveFacets1),
  199	length(AllResults, Total),
  200	map_list_to_pairs(facet_quality(Total), InactiveFacets1, Keyed),
  201	keysort(Keyed, Sorted),
  202	pairs_values(Sorted, InactiveFacets),
  203	append(ActiveFacets1, InactiveFacets, Facets).
  205cleanup_facet(Facet0, Facet) :-
  206	facet_merge_sameas(Facet0, Facet1),
  207	facet_join_single(Facet1, Facet).
 facet_quality(+Total, +Facet, -Quality)
Rate the facet. We use 1-Q to avoid the need to reverse the search results.
  215facet_quality(Total, Facet, Quality) :-
  216	facet_balance(Facet, Balance),
  217	facet_object_cardinality(Facet, Card),
  218	facet_frequency(Facet, Total, Freq),
  219	facet_weight(Facet, Weight),
  220	Quality0 is Balance*Card*Freq*Weight,
  221	(   debugging(facet)
  222	->  Facet = facet(P, _, _),
  223	    rdf_display_label(P, Label),
  224	    debug(facet, '~p: ~w = ~w*~w*~w*~w~n',
  225		  [Label, Quality0, Balance, Card, Freq, Weight])
  226	;   true
  227	),
  228	Quality is 1-Quality0.
  231% conversion of json parameters.
  233:- json_object
  234	prop(prop:atom, values:_),
  235	literal(literal:atom),
  236	literal(literal:_),
  237	type(type:atom, text:_),
  238	lang(lang:atom, text:atom).
 http:convert_parameter(+Type, +Text, -Value) is semidet
Convert for Type = json using json_to_prolog/2.
  244http:convert_parameter(json, Atom, Term) :-
  245	atom_json_term(Atom, JSON, []),
  246	json_to_prolog(JSON, Term).
 make_query(+Keyword, -Query, +Options) is det
Create a query for rdf_find_literals/2
  252make_query(Keyword, Query, Options) :-
  253	option(query_type(QueryType), Options, case),
  254	make_query_type(QueryType, Keyword, Query).
  256make_query_type(literal, Keyword, literal(Keyword)) :- !.
  257make_query_type(QueryType, Keyword, Query) :-
  258	tokenize_atom(Keyword, Words),
  259	tokens_query(Words, QueryType, Query).
  261tokens_query([Word], QueryType, Query) :- !,
  262	token_query(Word, QueryType, Query).
  263tokens_query(['"',Word,'"'|T], QueryType, Query) :- !,
  264	(   T == []
  265	->  Query = Word
  266	;   Query = and(T, Q2),
  267	    tokens_query(T, QueryType, Q2)
  268	).
  269tokens_query([H|T], QueryType, and(Q1,Q2)) :-
  270	token_query(H, QueryType, Q1),
  271	tokens_query(T, QueryType, Q2).
  273token_query(Word, QueryType, Query) :-
  274	Query =.. [QueryType, Word].
 keyword_search_graph(+Query, :Filter, -Targets, -Graph) is det
Query- is either a literal(Text), or an expression passed to rdf_find_literals/2.
Filter- is called as call(Filter, Resource) to filter the results. The filter true performs no filtering.
Targets- is an ordered set of resources that match Query
Graph- is a list of rdf(S,P,O) triples that forms a justification for Targets
  286keyword_search_graph(Query, Filter, Targets, Graph) :-
  287	(   Query = literal(Text)
  288	->  Literals = [Text]
  289	;   rdf_find_literals(Query, Literals)
  290	),
  291	findall(Target-G, keyword_graph(Literals, Filter, Target, G), TGPairs),
  292	pairs_keys_values(TGPairs, Targets0, GraphList),
  293	sort(Targets0, Targets1),
  294	append(GraphList, Graph0),
  295	sort(Graph0, Graph1),
  296	merge_sameas_graph(Graph1, Graph2, [sameas_mapped(Map)]),
  297	sort(Graph2, Graph),
  298	maplist(map_over_assoc(Map), Targets1, Targets2),
  299	sort(Targets2, Targets).
  301map_over_assoc(Assoc, In, Out) :-
  302	get_assoc(In, Assoc, Out), !.
  303map_over_assoc(_, In, In).
  305keyword_graph(Literals, Filter, Target, Graph) :-
  306	member(L, Literals),
  307	search_pattern(L, Target, Graph),
  308	(   Filter = _:true
  309	->  true
  310	;   call(Filter, Target)
  311	).
 search_pattern(+Start, -Target, -Graph) is nondet
True when Target is a result for the Start. Graph is an RDF graph represented as a list of rdf(S,P,O) triples that links the Target to the Start.
  319search_pattern(Label, Target,
  320	       [ rdf(TN, PN, literal(Value))
  321	       | More
  322	       ]) :-
  323	setting(search:pattern_literal, true),
  324	rdf(TN, PN, literal(exact(Label), Value)),
  325	(   (rdf_is_bnode(TN)
  326	    ;rdf_equal(rdf:value, PN)
  327	    ),
  328	    rdf_has(Target, P, TN)
  329	*-> More = [ rdf(Target, P, TN) ]
  330	;   TN = Target,
  331	    More = []
  332	).
  333search_pattern(Label, Target,
  334	       [ rdf(TN, PN, Term),
  335		 rdf(Term, LP, literal(Value))
  336	       | More
  337	       ]) :-
  338	setting(search:pattern_resource, true),
  339	rdf_has(Term, rdfs:label, literal(exact(Label), Value), LP),
  340	rdf(TN, PN, Term),
  341	(   rdf_is_bnode(TN),
  342	    rdf_has(Target, P, TN)
  343	*-> More = [ rdf(Target, P, TN) ]
  344	;   TN = Target,
  345	    More = []
  346	).
  347search_pattern(Label, Target, Graph) :-
  348	cliopatria:search_pattern(Label, Target, Graph).
 graph_terms(+Graph, -TermSet) is det
TermSet is an ordered set of terms in Graph. a term is defined as a resource found through a literal using its label.
  358graph_terms(Graph, TermSet) :-
  359	graph_terms_(Graph, Terms),
  360	sort(Terms, TermSet).
  362graph_terms_([], []).
  363graph_terms_([rdf(S,P,L)|T], Terms) :-
  364	(   rdf_is_literal(L),
  365	    rdfs_subproperty_of(P, rdfs:label),
  366	    \+ rdf_is_bnode(S)
  367	->  Terms = [S|More],
  368	    graph_terms_(T, More)
  369	;   graph_terms_(T, Terms)
  370	).
 restrict_by_terms(+Terms, +AllResults, +Graph, -Results) is det
Results is the subset of AllResults that have at least one term from Terms in their justification.
  377restrict_by_terms([], Results, _, Results) :- !.
  378restrict_by_terms(Terms, Results, Graph, TermResults) :-
  379	sort(Terms, TermSet),
  380	result_terms(Results, Graph, Result_Terms),
  381	matches_term(Result_Terms, TermSet, TermResults).
  383matches_term([], _, []).
  384matches_term([R-TL|T0], Terms, Results) :-
  385	(   ord_intersect(Terms, TL)
  386	->  Results = [R|More],
  387	    matches_term(T0, Terms, More)
  388	;   matches_term(T0, Terms, Results)
  389	).
  391result_terms(Results, Graph, Result_Terms) :-
  392	result_justifications(Results, Graph, TermJusts),
  393	maplist(value_graph_terms, TermJusts, Result_Terms).
  395value_graph_terms(R-G, R-T) :-
  396	graph_terms(G, T).
 result_relations(+Results, +Graph, -RelationSet) is det
RelationSet is the set of all predicates on the result-set that appear in Graph.
  403result_relations(Results, Graph, Relations) :-
  404	map_list_to_pairs(=, Results, Pairs),
  405	list_to_assoc(Pairs, ResultAssoc),
  406	empty_assoc(R0),
  407	result_relations(Graph, ResultAssoc, R0, R),
  408	assoc_to_keys(R, Relations).
  410result_relations([], _, R, R).
  411result_relations([rdf(S,P,_)|T], Results, R0, R) :-
  412	(   get_assoc(P, R0, _)
  413	->  result_relations(T, Results, R0, R)
  414	;   get_assoc(S, Results, _)
  415	->  put_assoc(P, R0, true, R1),
  416	    result_relations(T, Results, R1, R)
  417	;   result_relations(T, Results, R0, R)
  418	).
 restrict_by_relations(+Relations, +AllResults, +Graph, -Result)
Restrict the result to results that are based on one of Relations.
Relations- is a list of (predicate) URIs.
AllResults- is an ordered set of URIs
Graph- is an ordered set of rdf(S,P,O)
Result- is an ordered set of URIs
  430restrict_by_relations([], AllResults, _, AllResults) :- !.
  431restrict_by_relations(_, [], _, []) :- !.
  432restrict_by_relations(Relations, [R0|R], [T0|T], Results) :-
  433	cmp_subject(Diff, R0, T0),
  434	rel_restrict(Diff, R0, R, T0, T, Relations, Results).
  436rel_restrict(=, R0, R, T0, T, Relations, Result) :-
  437	(   rel_in(T0, Relations)
  438	->  Result = [R0|More],
  439	    restrict_by_relations(Relations, R, T, More)
  440	;   T = [T1|TT]
  441	->  cmp_subject(Diff, R0, T1),
  442	    rel_restrict(Diff, R0, R, T1, TT, Relations, Result)
  443	;   Result = []
  444	).
  445rel_restrict(>, R0, R, _, Graph, Relations, Result) :-
  446	(   Graph = [T0|T]
  447	->  cmp_subject(Diff, R0, T0),
  448	    rel_restrict(Diff, R0, R, T0, T, Relations, Result)
  449	;   Result = []
  450	).
  451rel_restrict(<, _, AllResults, T0, T, Relations, Result) :-
  452	(   AllResults = [R0|R]
  453	->  cmp_subject(Diff, R0, T0),
  454	    rel_restrict(Diff, R0, R, T0, T, Relations, Result)
  455	;   Result = []
  456	).
  458cmp_subject(Diff, R, rdf(S,_,_)) :-
  459	compare(Diff, R, S).
  461rel_in(rdf(_,P,_), Relations) :-
  462	memberchk(P, Relations).
 result_justifications(+Results, +Graph, -ResultGraphs)
ResultGraphs is a pair-list Result-SubGraph, where Graph is the transitive closure of Result in Graph. ResultGraphs is in the same order as Results.
To be done
- This can be much more efficient: Results and Graph are ordered by subject, so we can do the first step as an efficient split. Then we only need to take care of the (smaller) number of triples that are not connected to a result.
  476result_justifications(Results, Graph, Pairs) :-
  477	graph_subject_assoc(Graph, Assoc),
  478	maplist(result_justification(Assoc), Results, Pairs).
  480result_justification(SubjectAssoc, Result, Result-Graph) :-
  481	result_justification(Result, SubjectAssoc, [], _, Graph, []).
  483result_justification(Result, SubjectAssoc, S0, S, Graph, GT) :-
  484	(   memberchk(Result, S0)
  485	->  Graph = GT,
  486	    S = S0
  487	;   get_assoc(Result, SubjectAssoc, POList)
  488	->  po_result_just(POList, Result, SubjectAssoc,
  489			   [Result|S0], S, Graph, GT)
  490	;   Graph = GT,
  491	    S = S0
  492	).
  494po_result_just([], _, _, S, S, Graph, Graph).
  495po_result_just([P-O|T], R, SubjectAssoc, S0, S, [rdf(R,P,O)|Graph], GT) :-
  496	result_justification(O, SubjectAssoc, S0, S1, Graph, GT1),
  497	po_result_just(T, R, SubjectAssoc, S1, S, GT1, GT).
  499graph_subject_assoc(Graph, Assoc) :-
  500	rdf_s_po_pairs(Graph, Pairs),
  501	list_to_assoc(Pairs, Assoc).
 rdf_s_po_pairs(+Graph, -S_PO_Pairs) is det
Transform Graph into a list of pairs, where each key represents a unique resource in Graph and each value is a p-o pairlist.
Graph- is an ordered set of rdf(S,P,O) triples.
  510rdf_s_po_pairs([], []).
  511rdf_s_po_pairs([rdf(S,P,O)|T], [S-[P-O|M]|Graph]) :-
  512	same_s(S, T, M, T1),
  513	rdf_s_po_pairs(T1, Graph).
  515same_s(S, [rdf(S,P,O)|T], [P-O|M], Rest) :- !,
  516	same_s(S, T, M, Rest).
  517same_s(_, Graph, [], Graph).
 related_terms(+ResultTerms, +Class, -RelatedTerms)
RelatedTerms are all resources related to ResultTerms and used as metadata for resources of type Class.
  525related_terms([], _, []) :- !.
  526related_terms(_, _, []) :-
  527	setting(search:show_suggestions, false),
  528	!.
  529related_terms(Terms, Class, RelatedTerms) :-
  530	findall(P-RT, ( member(Term, Terms),
  531			related_term(Term, Class, RT, P)
  532		      ),
  533		RTs0),
  534	sort(RTs0, RTs),
  535	group_pairs_by_key(RTs, RelatedTerms).
  537related_term(R, Class, Term, P) :-
  538	related(R, Term, P),
  539	atom(Term),
  540	\+ equivalent_property(P),
  541	has_target(Term, Class).
  543has_target(Term, Class) :-
  544	rdf(Target, _, Term),
  545	instance_of_class(Class, Target).
  547related(S, O, P) :-
  548	rdf_eq(S, P0, V),
  549	(   O = V,
  550	    P = P0
  551	;   atom(V),
  552	    rdf_predicate_property(P0, rdf_object_branch_factor(BF)),
  553	    debug(related, '~w ~w', [P0, BF]),
  554	    BF < 10
  555	->  rdf_eq(O, P0, V),
  556	    O \== S,
  557	    P = V
  558	).
  559related(S, O, P) :-
  560	rdf_eq(O, P, S),
  561	rdf(P, owl:inverseOf, IP),
  562	\+ rdf_eq(S, IP, O).
  564rdf_eq(S, P, O) :-
  565	rdf(S, P, O).
  567:- rdf_meta
  568	equivalent_property(r).  569
 filter_results_by_facet(+Rs, +Filter, -Filtered)
Filtered contains the resources from Rs that pass Filter.
  578filter_results_by_facet(AllResults, [], AllResults) :- !.
  579filter_results_by_facet(AllResults, Filter, Results) :-
  580	facet_condition(Filter, AllResults, R, Goal),
  581	findall(R, (member(R, AllResults), Goal), Results).
  584		 /*******************************
  585		 *	        HTML	        *
  586		 *******************************/
Emit an html page with a search field
  592html_start_page(Class) :-
  593	reply_html_page(user(search),
  594			title('Search'),
  595			[  \html_requires(css('interactive_search.css')),
  596			   div([style('margin-top:10em')],
  597				[ div([style('text-align:center')], \logo),
  598				  div([style('text-align:center;padding:0'), id(search)],
  599				      \isearch_field('', Class))])
  600			]).
 html_result_page(+Query, +Graph, +Terms, +Relations, +Relation, +Facets, +Options)
Emit an html page with a search field, a left column with query suggestions, a body with the search results and a right column with faceted filters.
  609html_result_page(QueryObj, ResultObj, Graph, Terms, RelatedTerms, Relations, Facets, Options) :-
  610	QueryObj = query(Keyword,
  611			 Class, SelectedTerms, SelectedRelations, Filter,
  612			 Offset, Limit),
  613	ResultObj = result(Results, NumberOfResults, NumberOfRelationResults),
  614	reply_html_page(user(isearch),
  615			[ title(['Search results for ', Keyword])
  616			],
  617			[  \html_requires(css('interactive_search.css')),
  618			   \html_requires(jquery),
  619			   \html_requires(js('json2.js')),
  620			   \html_header(Keyword, Class, Options),
  621			   div(id(main),
  622			       div(class('main-content'),
  623				   [ \html_term_list(Terms, RelatedTerms, SelectedTerms),
  624				     div(id(results),
  625					 [ div(class(header),
  626					       [ \html_filter_list(Filter),
  627						 \html_relation_list(Relations, SelectedRelations,
  628								     NumberOfRelationResults)
  629					       ]),
  630					   div(class(body),
  631					       ol(class('result-list'),
  632						  \html_result_list(Results, QueryObj, Graph))),
  633					   div(class(footer),
  634					       \html_paginator(NumberOfResults, Offset, Limit))
  635					 ]),
  636				     \html_facet_list(Facets)
  637				   ])),
  638			   script(type('text/javascript'),
  639				  [ \script_body_toggle,
  640				    \script_data(Keyword, Class, SelectedTerms, SelectedRelations, Filter),
  641				    \script_term_select(terms),
  642				    \script_relation_select(relations),
  643				    \script_facet_select(facets),
  644				    \script_suggestion_select(suggestions),
  645				    \script_filter_select(filters)
  646				  ])
  647			]).
  649html_header(_Keyword, _Class, Options) -->
  650	{ option(header(false), Options) }, !.
  651html_header(Keyword, Class, _Options) -->
  652	html(div(id(header),
  653		 div(class('header-content'),
  654		     [ div(id(logo), \logo),
  655		       div(id(search),
  656			   \isearch_field(Keyword, Class))
  657		     ]))).
  659html_term_list([], [], _) --> !,
  660	html(div([id(left), class(column)],
  661		div(class(body), ['']))).
  662html_term_list(Terms, RelatedTerms, SelectedTerms) -->
  663	html(div([id(left), class(column)],
  664		 [ div(class(toggle),
  665		       \toggle_link(ltoggle, lbody, '>', '>', '<')),
  666		   div([class(body), id(lbody)],
  667		       [ \html_term_list(Terms, SelectedTerms),
  668			 \html_related_term_list(RelatedTerms)
  669		       ])
  670		 ])).
  672html_facet_list([]) --> !.
  673html_facet_list(Facets) -->
  674	html(div([id(right), class(column)],
  675		 [ div(class(toggle),
  676		       \toggle_link(rtoggle, rbody, '<', '<', '>')),
  677		   div([class(body), id(rbody)],
  678		       div(id(facets),
  679			   \html_facets(Facets, 0))
  680		      )
  681		 ])).
Emit a logo
  687logo -->
  688	{ http_location_by_id(isearch, Home)
  689	},
  690	html(a([class(isearch_logo), href(Home)], '')).
 isearch_field(+Query, +Class)//
Component that provides the initial search field for the interactive search application.
  697isearch_field(Query, Class) -->
  698	html(form([input([type(text), class(inp), name(q), value(Query)]),
  699		   input([type(hidden), name(class), value(Class)]),
  700		   input([type(submit), class(btn), value(search)])
  701		  ])).
 html_result_list(+Resources, +Query, +Graph:list(rdf(s,p,o)))
Emit HTML list with resources.
  707html_result_list([], _, _) --> !.
  708html_result_list([R|Rs], Query, Graph) -->
  709	html(li(class(r),
  710		[ div(class('result-item'),
  711		      \result_item(R, Query, Graph)),
  712		  br(clear(all))
  713		])),
  714	html_result_list(Rs, Query, Graph).
  717result_item(R, Query, Graph) -->
  718	cliopatria:format_search_result(R, Query, Graph), !.
  719result_item(R, _Query, _Graph) -->
  720	html([ div(class(thumbnail),
  721		   \result_image(R)),
  722	       div(class(text),
  723		   [ div(class(title),       \rdf_link(R,
  724						       [ resource_format(label),
  725							 max_length(120)
  726						       ])),
  727		     div(class(subtitle),    \result_subtitle(R)),
  728		     div(class(description), \result_description(R))
  729		   ])
  730	     ]).
  733result_subtitle(R) -->
  734	result_creator(R),
  735	result_date(R).
  736result_description(R) -->
  737	{ rdf_description(R, LitDesc),
  738	  literal_text(LitDesc, DescTxt),
  739	  truncate_atom(DescTxt, 200, Desc)
  740	},
  741	!,
  742	html(Desc).
  743result_description(_R) --> !.
  745result_creator(R) -->
  746	{ rdf_has(R, dc:creator, C) }, !,
  747	rdf_link(C).
  748result_creator(_) --> [].
  750result_date(R) -->
  751	{ rdf_has(R, dc:date, D), !,
  752	  literal_text(D, DateTxt)
  753	},
  754	html([' (', DateTxt, ')']).
  755result_date(_) --> [].
  758result_image(R) -->
  759	{ image_property(P),
  760	  rdf_has(Image, P, R),
  761	  (   image_suffix(Suffix)
  762	  ->  true
  763	  ;   Suffix = ''
  764	  )
  765	},
  766	!,
  767	html(img(src(Image+Suffix), [])).
  768result_image(_) --> !.
 html_paginator(+NumberOfResults, +Offset, +Limit)
Emit HTML paginator.
  774html_paginator(Total, _Offset, Limit) -->
  775	{ Total < Limit },
  776	!.
  777html_paginator(Total, Offset, Limit) -->
  778	{ http_current_request(Request),
  779	  request_url_components(Request, URLComponents),
  780	  Pages is ceiling(Total/Limit),
  781	  ActivePage is floor(Offset/Limit),
  782	  (   ActivePage < 9
  783	  ->  EndPage is min(10, Pages)
  784	  ;   EndPage is min(10+ActivePage, Pages)
  785	  ),
  786	  StartPage is max(0, EndPage-20),
  787	  (   select(search(Search0), URLComponents, Cs)
  788	  ->  delete(Search0, offset=_, Search),
  789	      parse_url(URL, [search(Search)|Cs])
  790	  ;   parse_url(URL, URLComponents)
  791	  )
  792	},
  793	html(div(class(paginator),
  794		 [ \prev_page(ActivePage, Limit, URL),
  795		   \html_pages(StartPage, EndPage, Limit, URL, ActivePage),
  796		   \next_page(ActivePage, Pages, Limit, URL)
  797		 ])).
  799prev_page(0, _, _) --> !.
  800prev_page(Active, Limit, URL) -->
  801	{ Offset is (Active-1)*Limit,
  802	  First = 0
  803	},
  804	html([span(class(first), a(href(URL+'&offset='+First), '<<')),
  805	      span(class(prev), a(href(URL+'&offset='+Offset), '<'))]).
  807next_page(_, 0, _, _) --> !.
  808next_page(Active, Last, _, _) -->
  809	{ Active is Last-1 },
  810	!.
  811next_page(Active, Last, Limit, URL) -->
  812	{ Offset is (Active+1)*Limit,
  813	  LastOffset is (Last-1)*Limit
  814	},
  815	html([span(class(next), a(href(URL+'&offset='+Offset), '>')),
  816	      span(class(last), a(href(URL+'&offset='+LastOffset), '>>'))]).
  818html_pages(N, N, _, _, _) --> !.
  819html_pages(N, Pages, Limit, URL, ActivePage) -->
  820	{ N1 is N+1,
  821	  Offset is N*Limit,
  822	  (   N = ActivePage
  823	  ->  Class = active
  824	  ;   Class = ''
  825	  )
  826	},
  827	html(span(class(Class), a(href(URL+'&offset='+Offset), N1))),
  828	html_pages(N1, Pages, Limit, URL, ActivePage).
 html_term_list(+Terms, +Selected)
Emit a list of terms matching the query.
  834html_term_list([], _) --> !.
  835html_term_list(Terms, Selected) -->
  836	{ setting(search:term_limit, Limit),
  837	  list_limit(Terms, Limit, TopN, Rest)
  838	},
  839	html(div(id(terms),
  840		[ div(class(header), 'Did you mean?'),
  841		  div(class(items),
  842		      [ \resource_list(TopN, Selected),
  843			\resource_rest_list(Rest, term, Selected)
  844		      ])
  845		])).
 html_relation_list(+Relations, +Selected, +NumberOfResults)
Emit html with matching relations.
  851html_relation_list([], _, NumberOfResults) --> !,
  852	html(div(id(relations),
  853		 div(class('relations-header'),
  854		     [NumberOfResults, ' result found']))).
  855html_relation_list(Relations, Selected, NumberOfResults) -->
  856	{ setting(search:relation_limit, Limit),
  857	  list_limit(Relations, Limit, TopN, Rest)
  858	},
  859	html(div(id(relations),
  860		 [ div(class('relations-header'),
  861		       [ NumberOfResults, ' result found by: ' ]),
  862		   div(class('relations-content'),
  863		       [ \resource_list(TopN, Selected),
  864			 \resource_rest_list(Rest, relation, Selected)
  865		       ])
  866		 ])).
Emit html with facet filters.
  872html_related_term_list(Pairs) -->
  873	html(div(id('suggestions'),
  874		 \html_related_terms(Pairs, 0))).
  876html_related_terms([], _) --> !.
  877html_related_terms([P-Terms|T], N) -->
  878	{ N1 is N+1,
  879	  rdfs_label(P, Label),
  880	  list_limit(Terms, 3, TopN, Rest)
  881	},
  882	html(div(class(suggestion),
  883		 [ div(class(header), Label),
  884		   div([title(P), class(items)],
  885		      [ \resource_list(TopN, []),
  886			\resource_rest_list(Rest, suggestions+N, [])
  887		      ])
  888		 ])),
  889	html_related_terms(T, N1).
 html_facets(+Facets, +N)
Emit html with facet filters.
  895html_facets([], _) --> !.
  896html_facets([facet(P, ResultsByValue, Selected)|Fs], N) -->
  897	{ N1 is N+1,
  898	  pairs_sort_by_result_count(ResultsByValue, AllValues),
  899	  top_bottom(5, 5, AllValues, Values)
  900	},
  901	html(div(class(facet),
  902		 [ div(class(header), \rdf_link(P)),
  903		   div([title(P), class(items)],
  904		       \resource_list(Values, Selected))
  905		 ])),
  906	html_facets(Fs, N1).
  908top_bottom(MaxTop, MaxBottom, All, List) :-
  909	length(All, Len),
  910	(   Len =< MaxTop+MaxBottom
  911	->  List = All
  912	;   Skipped is Len-(MaxTop+MaxBottom),
  913	    top(MaxTop, All, Rest0, List, List1),
  914	    List1 = [Count-'__skipped'|List2],
  915	    skip(Skipped, 0, Count, Rest0, List2)
  916	).
  918top(0, All, All, List, List) :- !.
  919top(N, [H|T0], All, [H|T], List) :-
  920	succ(N1, N),
  921	top(N1, T0, All, T, List).
  923skip(0, Count, Count, List, List).
  924skip(N, C0, C, [C1-_|T], List) :-
  925	C2 is C0+C1,
  926	N2 is N-1,
  927	skip(N2, C2, C, T, List).
  930html_filter_list([]) --> !.
  931html_filter_list(Filter) -->
  932	html(div(id(filters),
  933		 \html_filter(Filter))).
  935html_filter([]) --> !.
  936html_filter([prop(P, Vs)|Ps]) -->
  937	{ rdfs_label(P, Label) },
  938	html(div([title(P), class(filter)],
  939		 [ div(class(property), [Label, ': ']),
  940		   ul(class('resource-list'),
  941		      \property_values(Vs))
  942		 ])),
  943	html_filter(Ps).
  945property_values([]) --> !.
  946property_values([V|Vs]) -->
  947	{ rdf_display_label(V, Label),
  948	  resource_attr(V, Attr),
  949	  http_absolute_location(icons('checkbox_selected.png'), Img, [])
  950	},
  951	html(li([title(Attr)],
  952		div(class('value-inner'),
  953		   [ img([class(checkbox), src(Img)], []),
  954		     \resource_label(Label)
  955		   ]))),
  956	property_values(Vs).
  958remove_single_value_facet([], []) :- !.
  959remove_single_value_facet([facet(_, [_], [])|Fs], Rest) :- !,
  960	remove_single_value_facet(Fs, Rest).
  961remove_single_value_facet([F|Fs], [F|Rest]) :-
  962	remove_single_value_facet(Fs, Rest).
 resource_rest_list(+Pairs:count-resource, +Id, +Selected)
Emit HTML ul with javascript control to toggle display of body
  969resource_rest_list([], _, _) --> !.
  970resource_rest_list(Rest, Id, Selected) -->
  971	{ (   member(S, Selected),
  972	      memberchk(_-S, Rest)
  973	  ->  Display = block,
  974	      L1 = less, L2 = more
  975	  ;   Display = none,
  976	      L1 = more, L2 = less
  977	  )
  978	},
  979	html([ul([id(Id+body),
  980		  class('resource-list toggle-body'),
  981		  style('display:'+Display)
  982		 ],
  983		 \resource_items(Rest, Selected)
  984		),
  985	      div(class('toggle-button'),
  986		  \toggle_link(Id+toggle, Id+body, L1, L2, L1))
  987	     ]).
 resource_list(+Pairs:count-resource, +Selected)
Emit list items.
  993resource_list([], _) --> !.
  994resource_list(Rs, Selected) -->
  995	html(ul(class('resource-list'),
  996		\resource_items(Rs, Selected))).
  998resource_items([], _) --> !.
  999resource_items([V|T], Selected) -->
 1000	{ resource_term_count(V, R, Count),
 1001	  resource_label(R, Label)
 1002	},
 1003	resource_item(R, Label, Count, Selected),
 1004	resource_items(T, Selected).
 1007	       i(title('Skipped values'), '<skipped>')) :- !.
 1009	       i(title('Results with no value on this facet'), '<no value>')) :- !.
 1011	       i(title('Facet values that reference a single result'), '<unique object>')) :- !.
 1012resource_label(R, Label) :-
 1013	rdf_display_label(R, Label).
 1015resource_term_count(Count-R, R, Count) :- !.
 1016resource_term_count(R, R, '').
 1018resource_item(R, Label, Count, Selected) -->
 1019	{ Selected = [],
 1020	  resource_attr(R, A)
 1021	}, !,
 1022	html(li(title(A),
 1023		\resource_item_content(Label, Count)
 1024	       )).
 1025resource_item(R, Label, Count, Selected) -->
 1026	{ memberchk(R, Selected),
 1027	  resource_attr(R, A), !,
 1028	  http_absolute_location(icons('checkbox_selected.png'), Img, [])
 1029	},
 1030	html(li([title(A), class(selected)],
 1031		\resource_item_content(Label, Count, Img)
 1032	       )).
 1033resource_item(R, Label, Count, _Selected) -->
 1034	{ http_absolute_location(icons('checkbox_unselected.png'), Img, []),
 1035	  resource_attr(R, A)
 1036	},
 1037	html(li(title(A),
 1038		\resource_item_content(Label, Count, Img))).
 1040resource_attr(R, R) :- atom(R), !.
 1041resource_attr(Lit, S) :-
 1042	prolog_to_json(Lit, JSON),
 1043	with_output_to(string(S),
 1044		       json_write(current_output, JSON, [])).
 1046resource_item_content(Label, Count) -->
 1047	html([ div(class(count), Count),
 1048	       div(class('value-inner'),
 1049		   \resource_label(Label))
 1050	     ]).
 1051resource_item_content(Label, Count, Img) -->
 1052	html([ div(class(count), Count),
 1053	       div(class('value-inner'),
 1054		   [ img([class(checkbox), src(Img)], []),
 1055		     \resource_label(Label)
 1056		   ])
 1057	     ]).
 1059resource_label(FullLabel) -->
 1060	{ atom(FullLabel), !,
 1061	  truncate_atom(FullLabel, 75, Label)
 1062	},
 1063	html(span([title(FullLabel), class(label)], Label)).
 1064resource_label(FullLabel) -->
 1065	html(FullLabel).
 toggle_link(+ToggleId, +BodyId, +ActiveLabel, +ToggleLabel)
Emit an hyperlink that toggles the display of BodyId.
 1071toggle_link(ToggleId, BodyId, Label, Shown, Hidden) -->
 1072	html(a([id(ToggleId), href('javascript:void(0)'),
 1073		onClick('javascript:bodyToggle(\'#'+ToggleId+'\',\'#'+BodyId+'\',
 1074					       [\''+Shown+'\',\''+Hidden+'\']);')
 1075		    ], Label)).
 1078		 /*******************************
 1079		 *	    JAVASCRIPT		*
 1080		 *******************************/
 1082script_data(Query, Class, Terms, Relations, Filter) -->
 1083	{ http_current_request(Request),
 1084	  memberchk(path(URL), Request),
 1085	  prolog_to_json(Filter, FilterJSON),
 1086	  Params = json([url(URL),
 1087			 q(Query),
 1088			 class(Class),
 1089			 terms(Terms),
 1090			 relations(Relations),
 1091			 filter(FilterJSON)
 1092			]),
 1093	  with_output_to(string(Data),
 1094		       json_write(current_output, Params, []))
 1095	},
 1096	html(\[
 1097'var data = ',Data,';\n',
 1099'var isEqualLiteral = function(o1,o2) {\n',
 1100'    var l1 = o1.literal,
 1101	 l2 = o2.literal;
 1102   if(l1&&l2) {\n',
 1103'      if(l1===l2) { return true; }
 1104       else if(l1.text===l2.text) {
 1105	 if(l1.lang===l2.lang) { return true;}
 1106	 else if(l1.type===l2.type) { return true; }
 1107       }
 1108    }
 1111'var updateArray = function(a, e) {\n',
 1112'  for(var i=0; i<a.length; i++) {
 1113     if(a[i]==e||isEqualLiteral(e, a[i])) {
 1114       a.splice(i,1); return a;
 1115     }
 1116  }
 1117  a.push(e);
 1118  return a;\n',
 1120'var updateFilter = function(a, p, v, replace) {\n',
 1121'  for(var i=0; i<a.length; i++) {\n',
 1122'    if(a[i].prop==p) {\n',
 1123'       if(replace) { a[i].values = [v] }
 1124	else {
 1125	    var vs = updateArray(a[i].values, v);
 1126	    if(vs.length==0) { a.splice(i,1) }
 1127	}
 1128      return a;
 1129      }\n',
 1130'  }\n',
 1131' a.push({prop:p, values:[v]});
 1132  return a;
 1134	      ]).
 1136script_body_toggle -->
 1137	html(\[
 1138'function bodyToggle(toggle, container, labels) {\n',
 1139' if($(container).css("display") === "none") {
 1140         $(container).css("display", "block");
 1141	 $(toggle).html(labels[0]);
 1142     }\n',
 1143'    else {
 1144	  $(container).css("display", "none");
 1145	  $(toggle).html(labels[1]);
 1146     }',
 1148	      ]).
 1150script_term_select(Id) -->
 1151	html(\[
 1152'$("#',Id,'").delegate("li", "click", function(e) {\n',
 1153'   var terms = $(e.originalTarget).hasClass("checkbox") ?
 1154		  updateArray(data.terms, $(this).attr("title")) :
 1155		  $(this).attr("title"),
 1156        params = jQuery.param({q:data.q,class:data.class,term:terms}, true);
 1157    window.location.href = data.url+"?"+params;\n',
 1159	      ]).
 1161script_suggestion_select(Id) -->
 1162	html(\[
 1163'$("#',Id,'").delegate("li", "click", function(e) {\n',
 1164'   var query = $(this).find(".label").attr("title"),
 1165        params = jQuery.param({q:query,class:data.class}, true);
 1166    window.location.href = data.url+"?"+params;\n',
 1168	      ]).
 1170script_relation_select(Id) -->
 1171	html(\[
 1172'$("#',Id,'").delegate("li", "click", function(e) {\n',
 1173'   var relations = $(e.originalTarget).hasClass("checkbox") ?
 1174		      updateArray(data.relations, $(this).attr("title")) :
 1175		      $(this).attr("title"),
 1176	params = jQuery.param({q:data.q,class:data.class,term:data.terms,filter:JSON.stringify(data.filter),relation:relations}, true);\n',
 1177'   window.location.href = data.url+"?"+params;\n',
 1179	      ]).
 1181script_facet_select(Id) -->
 1182	html(\[
 1183'$("#',Id,'").delegate("li", "click", function(e) {\n',
 1184'  var value = $(this).attr("title");
 1185   try { value = JSON.parse(value) }
 1186   catch(e) {}\n',
 1187'  var property = $(this).parent().parent().attr("title"),
 1188       replace = $(e.originalTarget).hasClass("checkbox"),
 1189       filter = updateFilter(data.filter, property, value, !replace),
 1190       params = jQuery.param({q:data.q,class:data.class,term:data.terms,relation:data.relations,filter:JSON.stringify(filter)}, true);\n',
 1191'  window.location.href = data.url+"?"+params;\n',
 1193	      ]).
 1195script_filter_select(Id) -->
 1196	html(\[
 1197'$("#',Id,'").delegate("li", "click", function(e) {\n',
 1198'  var value = $(this).attr("title");
 1199   try { value = JSON.parse(value) }
 1200   catch(e) {}\n',
 1201'  var property = $(this).parent().parent().attr("title"),
 1202       filter = updateFilter(data.filter, property, value),
 1203       params = jQuery.param({q:data.q,class:data.class,term:data.terms,relation:data.relations,filter:JSON.stringify(filter)}, true);\n',
 1204'  window.location.href = data.url+"?"+params;\n',
 1206	      ]).
 1207		 /*******************************
 1208		 *	    utilities		*
 1209		 *******************************/
 request_url_components(+Request, -URLComponents)
URLComponents contains all element in Request that together create the request URL.
 1216request_url_components(Request, [ protocol(http),
 1217				  host(Host), port(Port),
 1218				  path(Path), search(Search)
 1219				]) :-
 1220	http_current_host(Request, Host, Port,
 1221			  [ global(false)
 1222			  ]),
 1223	(   option(x_redirected_path(Path), Request)
 1224	->  true
 1225	;   option(path(Path), Request, /)
 1226	),
 1227	option(search(Search), Request, []).
 pairs_sort_by_result_count(+Pairs:key-list, -Sorted:listcount-key)
Sorted is a list with the keys of Pairs sorted by the number of elements in the value list.
 1234pairs_sort_by_result_count(Grouped, Sorted) :-
 1235	pairs_result_count(Grouped, Counted),
 1236	keysort(Counted, Sorted0),
 1237	reverse(Sorted0, Sorted).
 1239pairs_result_count([], []).
 1240pairs_result_count([Key-Results|T], [Count-Key|Rest]) :-
 1241	(   integer(Results)
 1242	->  Count = Results
 1243	;   length(Results, Count)
 1244	),
 1245	pairs_result_count(T, Rest).
 list_offset(+List, +N, -SmallerList)
SmallerList starts at the nth element of List.
 1252list_offset([], _, []) :- !.
 1253list_offset(L, 0, L) :- !.
 1254list_offset([_|T], N, Rest) :-
 1255	N1 is N-1,
 1256	list_offset(T, N1, Rest).
 list_limit(+List, +N, -SmallerList, -Rest)
SmallerList ends at the nth element of List.
 1262list_limit([], _, [], []) :- !.
 1263list_limit(Rest, 0, [], Rest) :- !.
 1264list_limit([H|T], N, [H|T1], Rest) :-
 1265	N1 is N-1,
 1266	list_limit(T, N1, T1, Rest).
 instance_of_class(+Class, +R) is semidet
True if R is of rdf:type Class.
 1272instance_of_class(Class, S) :-
 1273	(   var(Class)
 1274	->  rdf_subject(S)
 1275	;   rdf_equal(Class, rdfs:'Resource')
 1276	->  rdf_subject(S)
 1277	;   rdfs_individual_of(S, Class)
 1278	), !.
 1280		 /*******************************
 1282		 *******************************/
 1284:- multifile
 1285	image_property/1,
 1286	image_suffix/1. 1287
 1288:- rdf_meta
 1289	image_property(r). 1290
 1295		 /*******************************
 1296		 *	      HOOKS		*
 1297		 *******************************/
 cliopatria:format_search_result(+Resource, +Query, +Graph)//
Emit HTML for the presentation of Resource as a search result.
See also
- This hook is used by result_item//3.
 cliopatria:search_pattern(+Start, -Result, -Graph) is nondet
True when the resource Result is a search-result for Start and Graph is a list of rdf(S,P,O) triples that justify this.