Table for the 16 triples with object owl:Ontology on predicate rdf:type sorted by label

?:Dublin Core extensions of the W3C PROVenance Interchange Ontology (PROV-O) rdf:type
foaf:Friend of a Friend (FOAF) vocabularyrdf:type
?:Geonames ontologyrdf:type
?:PROV Access and Query Ontologyrdf:type
?:SKOS Vocabularyrdf:type
?:The OWL 2 Schema vocabulary (OWL 2)rdf:type
ns3:W3C PROVenance Interchangerdf:type
ns3:W3C PROVenance Interchangerdf:type
ns3:W3C PROVenance Interchangerdf:type
ns3:W3C PROVenance Interchangerdf:type
ns3:W3C PROVenance Interchangerdf:type
ns3:W3C PROVenance Interchangerdf:type
?:W3C PROVenance Interchange Ontology (PROV-O)rdf:type
?:W3C PROVenance Interchange Ontology (PROV-O) Dictionary Extensionrdf:type
?:W3C PROV Linking Across Provenance Bundles Ontology (PROV-LINKS)rdf:type