Table for the 7 triples for predicate rdfs:label with domain owl:Ontology

?:Dublin Core extensions of the W3C PROVenance Interchange Ontology (PROV-O) "Dublin Core extensions of the W3C PROVenance Interchange Ontology (PROV-O) "@en
?:Geonames ontology"Geonames ontology"@en
?:PROV Access and Query Ontology"PROV Access and Query Ontology"@en
ns3:W3C PROVenance Interchange"W3C PROVenance Interchange"@en
?:W3C PROVenance Interchange Ontology (PROV-O)"W3C PROVenance Interchange Ontology (PROV-O)"@en
?:W3C PROVenance Interchange Ontology (PROV-O) Dictionary Extension"W3C PROVenance Interchange Ontology (PROV-O) Dictionary Extension"@en
?:W3C PROV Linking Across Provenance Bundles Ontology (PROV-LINKS)"W3C PROV Linking Across Provenance Bundles Ontology (PROV-LINKS)"@en