Distinct objects for predicate dcterms:title sorted by frequency with mapping to SKOS

ResourceCountSKOS mapping
"AATNed (Multimedian version)"1
"DCMI Namespace for metadata terms in the http://purl.org/dc/terms/ namespace"@en-US1
"DSS Oostzee: Archangel dataset"1
"DSS Oostzee: Elbing dataset"1
"DSS Schema "1
"Dutch Asiatic Shipping"1
"Generale Zeemonsterrollen VOC (Matthias van Rossem)"1
"named graphs for AATNed"1
"named graphs for Archangel dataset"1
"named graphs for DAS"1
"named graphs for DSS common terms"1
"named graphs for Elbing dataset"1
"named graphs for Generale Zeemonsterrollen"1
"named graphs for Noordelijke Monsterrollen"1
"named graphs for VOC Opvarenden"1
"Noordelijke Monsterrollen (Jur Leinenga)"1
"SKOS Vocabulary"@en1
"VOC Opvarenden "1