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    1:- module(conf_lod, []).    2:- use_module(api(lod)).    3:- use_module(library(http/http_dispatch)).

Configure Linked Data (LOD) access

Load the linked-data server and the library to register HTTP handlers. and then register your LOD areas and/or handlers for locations that are redirected from e.g., Multiple handlers can point to lod_api/1, but one handler should not be a prefix of another one (as in /rdf/ and /rdf/time/). The first example assumes that requests for RDF URIs arrive at this server directly or through a proxy. The latter assumes that /mydata/ on is redirected to /purl/rdf/ on this server and all RDF URIs start with

The bounded_description(cbd) option selects the default Concise Bounded Description. The alternative is scbd (Symetric Concise Bounded Description), which also includes triples that have the target as object.

See also
- cliopatria(api/lod) */
   24% The bounded_description option is one of `cbd` (Consise Bounded
   25% Description) or `scbd` (Symmetric CBD).  The latter includes triples
   26% that have the target resource as object.
   28% Use this if the URIs resolve directly to this server
   29%:- http_handler('/rdf',
   30%		 lod_api([ bounded_description(cbd)
   31%			 ]),
   32%		 [ prefix ]).
   34% Use this if the URIs are redirected to this server.
   35%:- http_handler('/purl/rdf',
   36%		 lod_api([ redirected_from(''),
   37%			   bounded_description(cbd)
   38%			 ]),
   39%		 [ prefix ]).