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    1:- module(conf_network, []).    2:- use_module(library(settings)).

Configure the HTTP server

Change the default port on which the HTTP server listens. If host-detection does not work or this server is behind a proxy, you may also need the public_host/public_port settings.

The prefix setting rebases all paths on the server to the indicated path. Note that the prefix has no trailing /. E.g. a setting /demo changes the root of the server to /demo/. Rebasing a server is only possible if internal path dependencies use the HTTP path mechanism to find paths for internal services.

The setting workers sets the number of HTTP worker threads. See the link below for more info.

See also
- http_location_by_id/2 and http_link_to_id/3 for finding the locations of internal services.
- for more info on server scalability. */
   26 :- set_setting_default(http:port, 9001).   27% :- set_setting_default(http:public_host, '').
   28% :- set_setting_default(http:public_port, 80).
   29 :- set_setting_default(http:prefix, '/iati').   30% :- set_setting_default(http:workers, 16).
   32% Allow  CORS  enabled  access  by    default.   Needed  for  JavaScript
   33% applications loaded from other sites  to   access  the SPARQL endpoint
   34% other JSON or XML APIs of ClioPatria.   One of the features that needs
   35% it is YASGUI for accessing the server on http://localhost
   37:- set_setting_default(http:cors, [*]).