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    1:- module(conf_https_only, []).    2:- use_module(library(option)).    3:- use_module(library(http/thread_httpd)).    4:- use_module(library(http/http_dispatch)).    5:- use_module(cliopatria(cliopatria)).    6
    7/** <module> Configure the HTTPS server
    9To enable HTTPS, create a directory =http= inside the =|config-enabled|=
   10directory of the application and add the following files:
   12    $ =|server-cert.pem|= :
   13      Contains the server certificate.  Passed as certificate_file(File)
   14      to the ssl_context/3 predicate. This file may be omitted, in
   15      which case the =|server-key.pem|= is also passed using the
   16      key_file(+File) option.
   17    $ =|server-key.pem|= :
   18      Contains the private key for the server.  Passed as key_file(File)
   19      option of ssl_context/3.
   20    $ =|passwd|= :
   21      Needs to hold the password if the private key is protected
   22      with a password.  Passed using the password(Password) option
   23      of ssl_context/3.
   25@see for
   26	a description of these files.
   29% uncomment the following to add a server that redirects requests from a
   30% plain HTTP port to the HTTPS port. This configuration assumes there is
   31% no reverse proxy between the public   network and ClioPatria. If there
   32% is, this redirect as well as HTTPS   handling is typically done by the
   33% proxy server.
   35% :- initialization cp_after_load(plain_http_server).
   37plain_http_server :-
   38	plain_http_server([port(5020)]).
   40plain_http_server(Options) :-
   41	option(port(Port), Options),
   42	http_server_property(Port, goal(redirect_to_https)), !.
   43plain_http_server(Options) :-
   44	http_server(redirect_to_https,
   45		    Options).
   47redirect_to_https(Request) :-
   48	option(host(Host), Request),
   49	option(request_uri(ReqURI), Request),
   50	http_server_property(Port, scheme(https)),
   51	format(string(URL), 'https://~w:~w~w', [Host, Port, ReqURI]),
   52	http_redirect(see_other, URL, Request)